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missing girl in aruba

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by jeprox, Aug 18, 2005.

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    jeprox Active Member

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    missing girl in aruba

    so what you all think of this case?

    i feel really bad for her family.

    it is strange that on such a small island, they can't find her and nobody knows anything about the disappearance.
    i think she's prolly gone by now and somewhere out in the sea or buried somewhere. harsh but probably true. if she's somewhere out in the sea, i think her body will turn up soon, just like the body of laci peterson from modesto, ca.
    heard in the news few days ago that authorities have found a limb in the water and will do dna to see if it belongs to the girl.
    hopefully they find her so the family can have some closure.
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    Prodigy3006 Rubber Man

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    i agree, quite sad. terrible learning experience for other young women on a vacation party trip.
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    rainbow_star New Member

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    Any link to the news?
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    PsyVash Guest

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    Not that I'm saying she deserved it, BUT...

    What convinces a girl to leave a party with THREE guys she just met without having some sort of escort of friends to come along with her? It just doesn't make sense to me.
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    jeprox Active Member

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    i feel bad for her family but yes what she did was pretty stupid.
    drinking in a bar and leave with 3 strangers to go to a beach on the night before you go back home!

    i've read a lot of postings on the internet and majority of people agree that they feel bad for her family but it was pretty stupid of her to leave that night with 3 strangers
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    romeotango Guest

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    Happens with surprising regularity in "paradise". Seeing that I live in Jamaica I can relate to this. A few years ago a journalist went missing here and all hell broke loose. FBI was called in, brought down special sniffer dogs..the works. They found nothing. Her family was UPSET and tried all kinds of things, even threatened the HOTEL with a lawsuit (they forgot that this lawsuit would be filed in JAMAICAN courts LOL)...CNN took it and RAN! Did this report on some underground white slavery rink that was afoot in Jamaica. What a load of rubbish! It turned out that this "angel" of a journalist turned out to be a MAJOR reprobate and was actually warned several times about using drugs and playing loud music on hotel property. Tourists often get caught up with the blue sea and whites sands and think they're Christine Columbus discovering something new. There's crime everywhere and even if it's a 1$ chance, the 1% that do encounter it don't think "paradise" is so great...
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    ob1murry New Member

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    Well they just re-arrested the two brothers that they released before, on suspicion of premeditated rape and murder charges.
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    jeprox Active Member

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    ya just read it a while ago on the news. hopefully they will find the body of the girl to give her family some closure.
    and then sentence all those people involved to death!

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