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News MD passes Truancy Bill

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by DaCubanSkillz, Mar 16, 2007.

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    DaCubanSkillz Active Member

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    Arlington, VA/North Bergen, NJ
    MD passes Truancy Bill


    Any teen that has 10 or more unexcused absenses will not be able to get their learners permit and if they have a license, it will be suspended.

    I think this will cause some kids not to skip school. I only say some because there will be alot of kids who won't care about having their license taken away and if they really really don't care, they'll drive around without a license.

    You think other states should pass a bill like this? or do you think it won't make a difference?
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    ShallowPockets New Member

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    I wish they'd do that here....though the same kids who skip would probably just drive without a license anyway. We have a huge number of folks driving with no insurance, no license or a suspended license already so I don't think it'd make a difference here.

    We have a law here that states if you are of school age and someone sees you outside during school hours they can call the cops and you'll be hauled off to Juvenile. That is, if you are out of school and not with your parents. Otherwise, you're in a cell. It helps, but we still have soooo many kids who skip class that the cops can't just focus on them pick them all up. I don't think those same kids will care about driving with no license....they don't care about catching truancy charges and spending days in a detention facility.

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