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lets talk about whats going on...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by lilbeastie18, Aug 4, 2005.

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    lilbeastie18 Guest

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    lets talk about whats going on...

    <a href="http://www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/meast/08/04/iraq.main/index.html" target="_blank">http://www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/meast...main/index.html</a><br />
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    when are we going to stand up and say that enough is enough and we will not tolerate this shit anymore, quit listening to maria shiavo and cases of that girl that is lost in cuba or something, all this shit is to divert your thoughts to something other than the war...and im sick and tired of it, its sad, i mean c'mon people are dying...for NO REASON
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    corollarider19 New Member

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    Cuztomrollaz98 MAD VLAD!

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    Littleton, CO.
    Shiavo is long gone so that's history and the chick in Aruba is probably dead or some shit right now seriously.... sorry to sound so harsh but the truth hurts and life ain't easy nobody said it'll ever be...... I barely watch news anymore cause the same topics are on like u just said, news should just bring shit out straight up and not divert the thoughts of the people that are really concerned of what's really going on out there
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    ob1murry New Member

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    Just remember that other people fell differently than you. Just because you feel something isn't important doesn't mean other people fell the same way. Some people don't feel like people are dying for no reason. But i really don't think they are bombradin you with Natalie Hollaway and Terri Schiavo stuff that much, if they were you would have known it was Aruba not cuba, I still read and see stuff about the war all the time. But the fact is that if one of your family members went missing and was most likely dead, you would want it all over the news and do whatever else you could to get to the bottom of it too. Your saying people are dying for no reason, and we need to cover that, yet a teenage is missing and probably dead for no reason, it's the same thing your saying needs to be covered, but on a smaller scale, and its not worthy of news coverage? Almost 300 people will be murdered in Baltimore City this year, but how often do you see that on the news, why aren't people making a big deal out of that, why aren't people attacking Martin O'Malley? Everyone of those 200-300 people will be killed over a drug deal gone sour or something, and thats in a single city, I;d say thats also worthy of news coverage, but it doesn't get covered, why? Who knows. But Martin O'Malley is a democrat, so obviously conservatives wouldn't try and keep it hush. The same way people are saying that Natalie Holloway and Terri Schiavo are being used to distract attention away form the war by conservatives, the war is being used by liberals to distract attention away from things as well. It all depends on your own point of view, everyone feels differently, and one day everyone is just going to have to come to terms with that, because i can gurantee you that eventually this thread will progress into a full blown political debate because two people disagree. The fact of the matter is that no one really needs to or probably wants to know anyone else's political beliefs, unless they ask, telling people only causes trouble. That being said, there are plenty of sites dedicated specifically to information on the iraq war if that is the only thing you want to read about, just look around a little and you should be able to find some.
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    e_andree E

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    So what have you done so far?
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    lilbeastie18 Guest

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    21 soldiers dead this week and there is still 2 days left in the week, and what do you mean what have i done?...and if your talking about serving a country that was built on exploitation and lies....then I guess i have never served, so i dont get your point.
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    e_andree E

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    But turbo4afe has said in the past that we're at "war" in Iraq because Bush is after their oil.
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    e_andree E

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    You started this thread, saying &quot;when are we going to stand up and say that enough is enough and we will not tolerate this shit anymore&quot;...so, Im asking, have you stood up and said that? Have you stood outside protesting? Have you sent letters to your congressmen, dc officials, etc protesting the war? Or have you just posted this up, and in reality, not done anything yourself?
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    ob1murry New Member

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    His opinion and he is entitled to it, He was cool about, he said his opinion was that he didn't agree. He is being tolerant of others opinions, it's people like lilbeastie that have to mess everything up. One thing that pisses me off is when people act like their opinion is fact which is what lilbeastie is doing, notice that never once has he mentioned that it is only his opinion, he is here pushing his opinion that Bush is a liar and exploits people as fact. Turbo4afe is being donsiderate fo others, and I can respect him(her?) for that. He is allowed to think that Bush is stealing oil, as long as he can back up his opinion, and not just go well I think this so it is that way, which is what lilbeastie is doing.<br />
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    As far as lilbeastie doing something is concerened, who really cares? I mean people don't realize that no matter how many times they protest, Bush will not pull troops out of Iraq. In my opinion, it would be much better to take that energy that is being used to protest, and focus it on supporting the troops that are there. Most troops returnig from Iraq/Afghanistan or anywhere else will tell you that one thing that depresses them is the feeling of the lack of support, many of them even say that the lack of support makes them depressed and unable to fight, and that many people are killed there because they are just too busy being depressed. Look at the percentage of troops comming back from Iraq with PTSD, it's enormous, yet goes unnoticed because everyone is too busy protesting or lobbying the war.<br />
    Once again look at the homicide rate in places like baltimore city, I can gurantee that more than 21 people were murdered in this country this month. Your complaining and the media shifting attention away from the way with domestic stories, yet your allowing the war to shift your attention from just as important domestic stories.
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    e_andree E

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    Uhm, where has he backed up his opinion though?
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    ob1murry New Member

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    He hasn't here. I porbably didn't say what I meant very well. What I'm saying is that if he is tolerant of other people opinions, he shouldn't have to defend his position, just like you and I shouldn.t have to defend ours. However if he came to this thread and started giving you and I a hard time because we might have a different opinion, and starts an argument, he better damn well be able to defend his position, otherwise he is too stupid to have one. Is that better?
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    Turbo4afe Guest

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    i am a guy. :)

    why are you referring to war in quotations?

    what do you think the motive of invating Iraq was? To give a nation freedom? to find nuclear war heads? to fight terrorism? be realistic..it was $

    Iraq's goverment was working fine before the US "thought" it would do a better a job by invading

    where are the nuclear war heads? they still havn't found anything nor will they ever.

    to fight terrorism? terrorism is not only in Iraq. and its not because of 9/11. US invaded Iraq 6 months after that.

    thats my opionion. i am sticking with it. you can contradict me all you want but you will not change my beliefs.

    Look at the polls..Just because you voted for Bush doesn't mean you made the right decision


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    Turbo4afe Guest

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    she posted this on here so YOU e_andree will be the first to take action.
    GET OFF YOUR CHAIR and GO STOP THE WAR. i am expecting you to have everything resolved by midnight.

    and there is a reson for all the deaths: OIL
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    ob1murry New Member

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    Please explain the extremely high gas prices if we are stealing oil.
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    Turbo4afe Guest

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    who said the US is stealing oil?
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    e_andree E

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    lilbeatie is not a female.

    And I dont see a reason to stop the "war". Well, of course I want it ended, but Im not against our troops being over there.

    But Id like to know what lilbeastie has done so far.....
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    ob1murry New Member

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    Sorry I thought that was the point you were trying to make, if not then sorry. I just hate it when people use that argument, some was arguing with me once, and said the only reason we were at war was to steal oil, so I asked why gas prices are so high, and they honestly said, "Because we didn't take it yet, they are going to steal all the oil from the fields the night before they leave." and they wer dead serious, so I tend to think anyone who uses the oil argument now, is just stupid.
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    Turbo4afe Guest

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    LOL...a midnight operations to fill all the 10 gallon drums with oil the night before the troops come back...haha..

    i, for one, oppose the war. US has no business over there. but hey..thats my opinion.
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    ob1murry New Member

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    Yeah, I know. People can't get much dumber than that. I don't mind having an intelligent argument or something with someone, but I hate arguing with the dumbasses that just go "Uh war is bad" and that is their entire argument.
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    Turbo4afe Guest

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    you were not trying to make a smart comment? yea ok..

    i backed up my arguments with articles from the internet...thats not good enough for you? you want me to write a thesis?

    so bush invaded iraq because he cared about them? is that what you are saying? if yes, i will not even try to argue with you cause it is pointless...you need to get out of the us, and travel some and see how the wolrd views the US. trust me...its not how u think..

    "Saddam Hussein was a brutal, homicidal "leader" of the country. " of THAT country..not YOUR country...Not the country NEXT door...a country far away that has alot of oil

    well shit, might go for china while we are at it...take everything over since US thinks can do a better job since we CARE so much for all others...

    do you even believe that the next president will keep the troops there?
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    e_andree E

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    And just because you threw up some polls that were taken the week that 21 marines have died saying that shows a slight decrease in Bush's ratings dont mean that I made the WRONG decision. Everyday I see how things have changed for the better in Iraq for the Iraqi people, and thats enough for me.

    And I refer to war in quotations because when you hear war, you generally think of two countries battling eachother. (even though the definition of war entails conflict). What two countries are battling here? The US army and the Iraqi Army are allies.....they are fighting side by side.

    Be realistic? This war was started for money? How so? You arent backing up any of your opinions with facts. Where is the money coming from? How is this conflict going to make the US richer?

    You say that the Iraqi government was working fine???!? Lets turn the tables here.....Bush is the president.....he cuts off the ears of anyone that refuses to be a part of his army. He cuts out the tongues of anyone that speaks out against him. He orders mass homicides, and buries thousands of Americans at a time in a mass grave. He takes over every single water treatment plant, powerplant, takes over every television broadcast company/radio broadcast company......takes away his peoples freedom of speech, hell, total freedom....all of his people live in fear and with no hope for any changes for the future. He allows torturing in his prisons, against inmates that had no trial and were put in jail for not going with the ruler. Iraq had NO goverment before the US became involved. It was a dictatorship, not a democracy. If you think that means the government was working fine....well.....

    True, terrorism is not only in Iraq. Its in Afghanistan, Iran, etc. Which is why the US is in Afghanistan.

    I can respect your opinions, but like it was said before.....back em up.

    If Bush had to hide his nuclear warheads next week, somewhere on the East Coast.....do you think that he could, with no one finding them? I say yes. Even if Saddam NEVER had warheads....the threat was still there. He had the mindset and the capabilities to use them. THATS enough to do something about it.
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    e_andree E

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    Oh, and that link you put up about the US and oil....still doesnt substantiate anything. What does it prove? It comes from a think tank that is paid to look into every single scenario.
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    ob1murry New Member

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    AH, see now this part here is where it gets extremely controversial and opiniated, because to my knowledge they were referred to as WMD's not nuclear weapons. They have numerous times found large amounts of Sarin gas buried out in the desert. To me a WMD is any weapon that can cause mass casualities at once, and I believe that sarin gas certainly falls into that category, but thats highly opiniated and alot of people will disagree with that. As far as invading Iraq 6 months later, no one can win any argument on that topic, because he attacks 6 months after spectember 11th and you use that argument, but if he attacked them right away, you would use the argument that he did it in a hurry so that it looks like he is on top of it, and that he did it in a rage and put everyone at risk. So neither side (left or right) will ever be able to win that argument lol. But dude i said i respected you for being tolerant of others opinions saying "Look at the polls..Just because you voted for Bush doesn't mean you made the right decision", isn't exactly being tolerant of others opinions, just because I voted for someone different doesn't mean anyone was right or wrong, it means that two people have different opinions, both correct in their own respect. The things I have said in teh last few post i think are better summarized ina quote by dennis miller:

    "The next time you get the urge to shut somebody up because they don't see the world exactly the same way you do, take a deep breath, get out your Bill of Rights, and count to the ten amendments."
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    Turbo4afe Guest

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    i will respond to both of you after a couple of beers..:)
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    e_andree E

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    Will the beers make ya smarter?
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    Turbo4afe Guest

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    ob1murry i am being tolerant of others opinions...i am not trying to force anyone to belive in what i believe.

    "No but they will make your sister look a whole lot better..." would be an innapropriate comment, like the one you just told me...so lets just drop the smart comments...

    you are looking at a different perspective..so you care THAT much for the Iraqi people? how about the people that of hunger every day? thats a whole different story i take it...

    Did you read the articles that i posted? apparently not, since all your questions are answered there...

    Why is it America's business to go there to solve someone else's problems? Iraq had a goverment like that for decades. Why now?

    There is terrorism in Russia for example...does that mean that US should go fight there as well?

    i did...and i respect not only your opinions but you as an individual

    The threat is in south korea as well..should US invade them just for shits and giggles because the potential is there?
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    e_andree E

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    My sister is 6...if youre into that kind of thing, ya got issues. And I wasnt trying to make it a smart comment.....not sure what beer had anything to do with it.

    As a matter of fact, yes, I do care. Maybe its because I have a newfound respect for people of Middle Eastern decent, after having worked for a company for the last 16 months thats 75% of middle eastern decent....and of that 75%, 45% were born and raised in Middle Eastern countries. And the people of hunger have options that they can take themselves.....shelters, food drives, food donations, soup kitchens, etc. The Iraqi people had NO OPTIONS.

    I did read your articles.....but anyone with ANY argument can go on the internet and find some articles to back up their opinion, like you did. Seems that youre basing your opinions on articles on the internet that are based on opinions themselves. You still arent backing up your own opinions.

    So that makes it alright? Instead of saying why now, we should be saying Why Not Then? We live in one of the richest, most modernized country with the most resources.....we as Americans should support any operation that will better the lives of others. Is is the fact that its a Middle Eastern country?

    Yes, domestic terrorism. Every country has their own domestic terrorism, even the US. We have our own militant groups that we have to worry about. You seem to be missing the point that Saddam Hussein was a brutal, homicidal "leader" of the country.

    Hell yes. China as well, if they continue to go down the path that they are going. I think the threat with South Korea and China is very great.
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    corollarider19 New Member

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    well hopefully by next election there wont be any troops over there
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    lilbeastie18 Guest

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    lol, its just my opinion. lol and people like me who questioned the government have saved many lives, look at vietnam for example.
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    e_andree E

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    HOW??? How are you questioning the government???

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