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Tech Internet problem...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by renfield90, Jun 20, 2005.

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    renfield90 New Member

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    Tempe, AZ
    Internet problem...

    Or just me?

    I am very good with computers, but I have a very weird problem that's plaguing my computer. On certain websites the pages and images are not loading correctly. From what I can tell either I or the server is dropping packets. The pages are loading without the full coding and sometimes I just get a bunch of meaningless characters, othertimes I get the background and layout but just a bunch of code. The images will load correctly for part of the image, but then it looks like it misses a few bytes and the rest of the image is the wrong color, garbled, etc. I'll try to load some pictures but vvt-i.net and photobucket.com are having the biggest problems.

    Almost all international sites are doing this to me, as well as several domestic ones. There is no common attribute between these sites in terms of the servers I'm routed through, the distance from me, the type of page or image. The problem is so bad on this site that I'm lucky enough to be posting this (provided it gets through...), but other sites are only minimally affected.

    I'm going to run a virus and spyware scan, though I doubt I'll find anything. There is a possibility that my DSL modem is about to give up the ghost, as I've noticed internet quality problems with more frequency over the last few weeks. I'll probably unplug that thing for a while and let it cool down. I can try switching to a second computer (though it will still go through the same modem) but I don't see that helping too much as there is no reason for this computer alone to be acting up (I take very good care of it).

    I have already tried clearing out my cache, restarting my computer (more than once), and tried doing a simple reset on the modem (we've had problems before, you just unplug for five seconds and it works). Frankly I'm quite clueless right now.

    Any suggestions or comments? Can anyone confirm or deny similar activity?

    Thanks for reading.
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    Denver Rolla 98 impreza

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    what web browser are you useing... or does it do this on every one..

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