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Infinity Amp

Discussion in 'Interior' started by Reformed2hacker, Jul 27, 2004.

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    Reformed2hacker Guest

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    theproof Guest

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    that amp is more for speakers not subs but if you use em for subs your only gonna have about 150 clear watts going to each sub
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    JaJae Guest

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    Not if he bridges them, he'll be getting 278RMS per speaker.
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    Reformed2hacker Guest

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    lol, i guess that means, no one has anything against infinity. i guess i'm getting that amp. it is the only way, i can get the watts i want, with the sub combo i want. :D
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    JaJae Guest

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    What sub combo are you going to be running. I'm sure we can suggest you something. There's nothing wrong with Infinity, they're just better known for their speakers and subs than their amps. If you have two four ohm speakers you can wire them up to a 2 ohm load. You don't have to get a two channel 4ohm amp.
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    kepone Guest

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    new infinity amps are junk, dont get them.. they are basically the same build quality as the low to mid line JBL amps.. however, older infinity amps were some of the greatest IMO.. if you can find them, pick up their old kappa series amps, they had a 3 or 4 amp lineup, very clean amps...
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    theproof Guest

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    well no shit sherlock....notice how i said "clear watts"...besides infinity amps are pretty lame...their subs are alright but i wouldnt buy one of their amps
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    JaJae Guest

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    theproof Guest

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    ok you're obviously a moron just cuz its 278RMS doesnt mean its gonna put out 278...hes paying 300 he only gonna get close to 300 watts maybe a little more...go test it and prove me wrong...until you do that shutup and dont speak
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    JaJae Guest

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    So you're allowed to make up numbers and they're right because no one has tested it to prove your wrong? That doesn't seem hypocritical to you?
    First the amp only put out 150 "clean" watts. Now you're assuming it is only going to put out close to 300 watts. Basically you're assuming this amp can't even put out half its rated power. A Sony Xplod amp can put out more than half its rated power. A Jensen amp can put out more than half its rated power. But, to you an Infinity camp can only put out half its power.

    You're using price as a reason to explain its power rating. However, Crutchfield has a Pheonix Gold amp rated at about 25RMS less per channel for the same price. Is this amp only putting out half its power too? It claims to only be able to put out 250RMS per channel. Does that mean it can only produce 125 "clean" watts and 275 watts max? I'm just using your analogy here.

    There truth is you have no idea what your talking about. You put your foot in your mouth and now you're running circles trying to defend it. Is this a high quality amp? No. He's only paying $300. I'm sure he realizes that. But, for $300 it is not a bad deal if he's just trying to power a couple low end subs subs.
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    Reformed2hacker Guest

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    theproof Guest

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    i said about did i say exact? no, i didnt and btw i used "clear" learn to read...i never said it wouldnt be enough to power his subs because he never said what kind of subs he had...it makes more sense to buy a 2 channel amp than a 4 channel amp for powering 2 subs...yeah idk anything even though my friends run a sound shop and learned all i know about sounds from them...but you know they just do it for a living of course they dunno what they're talking about and therefore i dont
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    JaJae Guest

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    If your friends are telling you about "clean" watts and how many amps only put out half their RMS rating you need to find some news friends or a new shop...

    The THD of modern amps is so inssignificant that you can't hear the difference. Just about all modern amps can put out much more than half of what they claim... including Infinity.

    Your friends will tell people how lower end equipment sucks because they're making a living off the better stuff. And you'll believe because.. well you just don't know any better.
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    theproof Guest

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    cant hear the difference?...you should just go back to pounding the shitty sounds that you probably have and drop the argument
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    JaJae Guest

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    I don't know what my system has to do with anything but it is:

    Pioneer Premier 860MP
    Infinity Perfect 6.5" components up front
    Infinity Kappa 6x9 2-ways in the rear
    powered by PPI 80x4RMS

    Directed 1500D on a 12" Orion H2
    Iraggi Custom Alternator and a Yellowtop.

    And yes, you won't be able to tell the difference between two amps putting out the same power at a THD of less than 1% (not audible)... especially on a subwoofer...

    For $300 (He's getting for $200) that amp is fine. You have to understand there is good equipment out there and there is entry level equipment. For most people entry level is they want or need. He's looking at a couple hundred on subwoofers. You want him to blow all his cash on a midgrade amp for a couple entry level subs? Are Infinity the most reliable amps in the world? No... of course not. But, that doesn't mean they suck. They're a decent entry level amp backed by good service, support and warranty. I'd take an Infinity amp over a low end JBL, Lightning, etc...
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    theproof Guest

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    i never said they wouldnt be enough to power his subs idk where you're getting that...i also never said it wasnt fine for the money hes paying...and yes the new infinity amps are pretty lame the old ones were pretty decent but after hearing set ups with the new inifinity amps i wouldnt buy one...and most subs sound good with decent power running to them...ive heard generic 15" subs get extremely loud with the right amount of power...so if he buys a better amp now and powers his subs they will sound fine and later on when he wants to upgrade or if he even wants to upgrade he mihgt not have to buy a new amp
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    Reformed2hacker Guest

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    anyone want to suggest a sub/amp combo, that won't kill my wallet?
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    Ninety Four New Member

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    You can always try ebay. I saw a JL 300/2 I was watching go for only $199 on sunday.
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    prophesized Guest

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    you are retarded. infinity has a good reputation and i wouldnt doubt their specs. it is up to YOU to disprove their specs. until you do that, that amp is putting out 278 watts RMS x 2 at 4 ohms bridged.

    any monkey with a bag of money can open a stereo shop so your friends owning a shop doesnt mean they know their stuff. there are plenty of car audio forums with 7+ page threads filled with stories about shitty audio shops.
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    theproof Guest

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    since when did someone ask you? and shitty shops shut down, my friend's shop is going on 9 years in october...show me actual proof of that amp hitting 278 bridged...i guess you people just automatically believe everything you see/read...i've heard a lot of amps tested with the same sub and how great some amps make the sub sound and how shitty others sound...and where did i say infinity had a bad reputation? i said their subs are decent and their old amps were decent only their new amps were lame
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    prophesized Guest

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    show me proof that it doesnt put out 278 watts.
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    Reformed2hacker Guest

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    LOL, what about audiobahn....amps....they any good?
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    JaJae Guest

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    Audiobahn amps aren't that bad. They get a lot of slack for being Audiobahn and having a lot of chrome, but they put out their rated power, have a fan to keep it cool and have average reliability. There are better deals out there for the price.
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    Reformed2hacker Guest

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    any suggestions JaJae?
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    JaJae Guest

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    You're running two dual 2-ohm subs right? Did you already buy the subs and can't get the dual 4 ohm model?

    For the price you were looking at getting that Infinity amp you could have picked up a Directed 600D. But it's 1ohm stable and won't power your speakers well at 2 ohm. It puts out 400RMS at 2 ohm, but I think I can find something better. Here's an example of the price. http://www.audio-n-more.com/dei/amplifiers.shtml

    These are selling real cheap online right now.

    The JBL 600.1 is a 600 x 1 @ 2 ohm amp that goes for roughly $250-275 online. I'm not a fan of JBL, but most people who own them like them.

    The Pheonix Gold Octane-R R 5.0:1 is 500 x 1 @ 2 ohm and sells for $225-250 online.

    I'll keep updating this with suggestions.
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    kepone Guest

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    check out the fuse rating for the amp, if it is below 60-70 amps, there is no possible way it puts out 278 watts per pair of bridged channels on a class a/b amp

    i just checked the amp out, the fuse rating myself, its 2x30 so it very well could do the 278 watts rms per pair of bridged channels... but unless it is a very efficient power supply ( stiffly regulated ) it will strain to put out that much power... still doesnt change the fact that the build quality is garbage..

    like i said earlier in this topic, new infinity car audio products are junk, much like rockford and MTX.. they are built by jbl, and perform at the level of jbl's entry level stuff

    the only good car audio products infinity ever made was the "beta" line of speakers/subs and the kappa series amps.. the perfect series subs were alright too i suppose.. but everything else they make is cheap korean build quality
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    Reformed2hacker Guest

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    i haven't bought anything yet. i'd like 2 subs, but only for looks...i want to mount them in the trunk on the 2 holes on the sides....but i can get by with 1, i won't die or anything :) but ya, like i said, i haven't bought anything yet

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