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impact wrenchs, air vs electric

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by slvr2000fdvspec, Sep 12, 2004.

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    slvr2000fdvspec Guest

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    impact wrenchs, air vs electric

    i'm lookin into buying an impact wrench

    should i get air or electric

    this is mostly for the car, wheels and removal of some rusted bolts

    would an electric one be strong enough, or should i just go for the air one, i have an air compressor, but that's loud as fuck lol, and it's my dads
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    Corolla DX-R AE100

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    my friend got the cordless impact from snap-on i've used it and its nice way powerful than the air and quieter...
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    ChristianVA New Member

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    if you go eletric get a reall good brand name. like snap on, mac..if air...just go and find one that has good torque on it.
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    jeprox Active Member

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    look at the specs, some electric ones are pretty powerful.
    in general, air is the best. i have air, husky and craftsman. husky is pretty good and so is craftsman. both offer lifetime warranty.
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    slvr2000fdvspec Guest

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    i'm looking at mac or snap-on

    the rest of my tools are craftsmen, powertools are snap-on
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    Faisal05CorollaXRS Guest

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    Try hitting it in your head and see which one hurts more. That is the stronger one :D :p

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    slvr2000fdvspec Guest

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    midniterains Guest

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    yeah, snap on is some good shit, but since you're not a top line mechanic crafstman is the way to go.
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    Corolla DX-R AE100

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    i suggest just see what kinda deal they give ya... if its the around same price i would go for Snap-On...
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    SkyAce2004 New Member

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    snap on, snap off... heh, I saw an infomercial on TV while i was messin with my Tuner card for this solderer thinger my do hickey... it was the size of a jumbo magic marker and it went from cold to really hot to do what u needed to do, and back to cold instantly. It looked pretty niffy and im tempted to buy it since i do electrical work in my car and all...

    but it seemed kinda shady for 20 dollars. anyone else see this thing?
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    kickarse Guest

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    Craftsmen isnt actually a bad brand for tools and airwrenches, etc...
    They are made in the same plant as Ingersol Rands Air Tools I believe... I would think that their power tools might be made by some other major manufacturer like that too... Try checking it out...

    Oh yeah I saw that Cold Heat Soldering Gun thing too that heats up to 500deg F at the touch of a button. Thinkgeek.com has it in stock for 20.00 and comes with a tip, extra different tips are 10.00 each... I did some research and it's not good if your doing anything with circuitry becuase it could fry for say ram, cmos, etc... But anything without circuitry like a light switch per say it's fine. Think about how it works... It uses electrical arc to heat up a metal element and melt solder. The problem with this is it's very low temp for a short period of time. In order to create a good bond between the two pieces and the solder you must heat both up or else it'll just fall off. Believe me I know I've been frustrated with soldering for the past two days and crap soldering gun i have (130w 7.99 special) lol... neways... try it and see I guess is the only thing I can say.

    "This can be lethal to solid state components such as transistors and integrated circuits. Even work on automotive wiring may be risky, as most modern vehicles are crammed with computers that are susceptible to excess current."


    I still though am very tempted to buy one heh...

    Ed.... Thinkgeek.com has it for 10.00 not sure if it's just the tips but I'm going to buy it from there... 2 day shipping too...
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    SkyAce2004 New Member

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    ill just stay away from it then, i have 0 experience in that dept anywaz.

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