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I need your opinion?

Discussion in 'Exterior' started by Hyper81, Jun 24, 2003.

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    Hyper81 Guest

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    I need your opinion?

    Hey guys I kinda need your input on something...
    I drive a Corolla CE and im thinkin about putting in the S body kit on my car...
    My question is....
    1) Is it easy to put on or does it require drilling into the body?
    2) look at the pic of my car with the link and let me know if my muffler will pose a problem when im putting them on...

    I plan to put this on myself, labor costs is shitty!!!! :( :roll:

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    cmay0509 Guest

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    Hmmm...putting on a body kit isnt something I'd recommend to do yourself, But if you think you can do it, go for it! I have the S and I'm pretty sure the mufflers should'nt be a problem since the body kit angels up towards the center in the back. Give it a try, post pics when your done
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    CorollaAudacity Guest

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    Hmm, if you wanna put a type S body kit, it would cost alot. If i were you, i would try to get a body kit like red clickys because im sure a body kit from toyota would be more expensive, besides, you have more to choose from :wink:
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    RollaS New Member

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    but the kit he has is fiberglass, which will shatter if you hit anything.
    Get the altis kit from www.allbodykits.com it's urethane.

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