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News I feel bad for the SSA in Arlington...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by DaCubanSkillz, Mar 14, 2007.

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    DaCubanSkillz Active Member

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    Arlington, VA/North Bergen, NJ
    I feel bad for the SSA in Arlington...

    My wife and I mailed off her paperwork to change her name last month. They received it on 12 February. We know cause we paid for return receipt. We called last week and the guy said to give them 30 days. My wife calls today and the guy said it only takes 10 days and he looked up her info and they have no record of receiving it.

    we finally get the phone # to the local office. My wife calls at 9:00am. She stays on hold for 40 minutes...then transfers the call to me so I can wait as well cause she had work to do. I stayed on the phone til 10:30am. 90 DAMN MINUTES!! No one picked up the phone. I called back the 800 number and they now said it can take days to weeks but they can't say because every office is different and they put in their info at different times.

    Now why do I feel bad for them? well if my wife has to take off of work (which she can't afford cause she uses those hours for doctors appts) for them to tell her they can't find the paperwork, then she's gonna throw a fit and possibly tell someone about themselves and some! lol. Whats bad about it is that her birth certificate, passport and marriage license are in that envelope. Enough info for identity theft if it were to get into the wrong hands at that office.

    So..good luck to person that helps my wife at that office. They're gonna hate their jobs when they tell her they can't help her and they can't find her paperwork. I'm pissed myself cause all my info is on that marriage certificate.
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    ShallowPockets New Member

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    Our govt. hard at work right there! I would bust them over the signed return receipt. Ask to speak to whomever signed for the package you sent, or at least have them verify that it is in fact their signature. Ask them what they did with it after it was signed, who they forwarded it to. If at any time they get evasive or can't track who has the stuff any further, ask to speak to the last person's supervisor. Eventually, someone will figure out what happened.

    We had a client who had similar issues with SSA here. They ended up calling the cops to file a report for stolen items since SSA did sign for the package but couldn't turn it up. The person who signed got really helpful once they realized they would be suspect 1....as they were the last to touch the package. Found it the same day....on a desk....untouched.
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    DaCubanSkillz Active Member

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    Arlington, VA/North Bergen, NJ
    We would ask the person if they'd answer the phone..lol. I tried calling during lunch and it was busy..again. trust me..my wife will go that route if she ends up showing up at the office. I just feel bad for them cause she will not be nice about it if they can't find it.

    Edit: So my wife called one last time but this time she accidently pressed 1 instead of 2 and it directed her to a directory which she can pull last names and dial their extensions. Since we know the lady's last name that signed the receipt. She punched in whatever she did and it didn't come up but it went to someone else. My wife explained what happened and she said she was gonna have the manager call her.

    Come to find out, the person who signed the receipt is one of the managers there. at least now with a name of more then one manager and that managers extension, we plan on contacting her tomorrow if she doesn't call today.

    so far my wife kept her cool..lol.
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    DaCubanSkillz Active Member

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    3-29-07***I forgot an update...lol. my wife eventually spoke with the managers and they searched the entire office only to find her envelope sitting on someone else's desk. The manager who signed for the paperwork did the name change while my wife was on the phone and within a day we got all her paperwork back and she is offically part of the family..lol.

    I welcomed her to my family with the GodFather's voice. I said "Welcome to my family, if you ever need anything, you come to me."

    Then she told me to STFU. lmao.

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