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Engine How do you get this off?

Discussion in 'Powertrain' started by Altis 1, Mar 7, 2004.

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    Altis 1 Guest

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    How do you get this off?

    I got a new AEM CAI comming soon and I an anxious to install it. One thing does bother me. How do you unplug the MAF sensor?
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    CowboyBebop Guest

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    there is a plug to the maf sensor, it's pretty easy to take out, then all you have to do is unscrew the small screws on the maf sensor to take it off.
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    tom Guest

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    I thnk there is like a clip on the top of the MAF sensor. Maybe by pushing it down and then pull it out will undo it. THat disconnects the cable from the MAF, but taking off the MAF itself requires removal of the screws off the sides. I think that's it, huh?

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