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Engine how do you clean engine bay

Discussion in 'Powertrain' started by AWC429, Jun 5, 2004.

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    AWC429 Guest

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    how do you clean engine bay

    how do u clean your engine bay without screwing up the electrical stuff?
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    Schoat333 New Member

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    water and soap.... aint gonna hurt nothing
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    tom Guest

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    yeah, i talked to one of my coworker and he told me that I could just get a garden hose with a nozzle attached to the end and give the engine a quick wash. He's done it to his Lancer and washed off all the dust that was in the engine bay. His car ran perfectly and didn't cause any short from any of the electruical components.

    THat guy does it like once a week. Man, the engine looks clean!!!
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    w1ngzer0 Guest

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    my engine has to much greese and oil to be washed. But my fellow 240 guy i talk to on AIM uses cool purple or something purple cleaner. It works great i saw some pictures. Just make sure you cover anything electronic . Its been so long i forget if there is anything.
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    TheBeak Guest

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    never let it get dirty in the first place. :)

    wipe everthing down with a rag to dust, then hit the plastic stuff with maguires rubber/plastic protectant on a rag (carfully avoiding overspray, of course.)

    of course if its already dirty, load a pump type guarden sprayer with a degreaser ("purple stuff" from the auto parts store works well). pump up and saturate everything thats greased up :) (everything?)

    give it about 20 mins to soak, than gently hose off. repeat as necessary until clean.

    then hit the plastic stuff as described...
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    polo708 New Member

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    I use simple green or armorall all purpose cleaner. Be careful not to get the air filter (if you have an intake) or the alternator wet.

    If you clean it regularly its pretty easy to touch up every once in a while.
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    lostboy New Member

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    i just cleaned my lil bro's dirty, oil covered engine... it was all black ...

    covered the alternator, batteries, fuse box ... and anything electrical that might short...

    sprayed some water on the engine ... used simple green automotive spray (non toxic!)
    let it soak a lil and sprayed it off with water...

    you should have some form of container to hold the run off ... it's illegal to have engine run off into the sewers and drain ... and it isn't safe for our environment ...

    after that ... it should be easy to keep clean ....

    for stubborn spots you might have to scrub a lil

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