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Tech hacking IP address...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by redborja202, Jun 23, 2005.

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    redborja202 Guest

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    hacking IP address...

    so is it possible for anyone just any average joe can get someone's ip address and know who that address is named under?!? like if someone posted a message on my chatterbox or message board, can i track that person's IP address and know who that address is named under?
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    scrotarolla Guest

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    Yep, given if he or she has the knowhow, connects, and/or equipment. Otherwise, Google up a search on pinging IP's. You'd be suprised how easy it is to pop in and see what kind of porn you got on your desktop.
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    SpeedQueen Guest

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    Short answer - No.

    IPs are not assigned to people, or real world addresses. The only information you can get from an IP address is their ISP, and usually that will give you the general area where they're located (city if you're lucky).

    Finding out someone's IP address depends on the situation (whether the person is on a message board, you have them on AIM...etc).

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