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Go Pistons!!!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Baby Lex, Jun 14, 2004.

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    Baby Lex Guest

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    Go Pistons!!!

    I'm not a huge fan of basketball, but this has been a great series so far. Go Pistons!!! 8) I can feel that victory is only one game away. Although, I do feel sorry for Karl Malone. He's 40 years old, and never has won a championship. It kinda sucks to have your daughter win one before you. :roll:
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    nikeair11 Guest

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    As a long-time Laker hater, I couldn't be happier to see the Lakers implode on the biggest stage of all.
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    Baby Lex Guest

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    I know...I love seeing them go down, and fall pretty dang hard. Before the game the Lakers were saying it wasn't a must win sitatuation. Well, unfortunate for them, I think tonight was. History shows that once a team leads 3 games to 1, that all 27 teams in that situation (therefore 27 out of 27) won the championship.
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    tom Guest

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    The only reason why I want the Lakers to win is because of Karl Malone only. If he was never sent there, I would say "Go Pistons" all the way. Otherwise, I have no intention on rooting for the Lakers even though I live here in southern california. I do feel sad for him because he is such a dedicated basketball player who never won a title. I hope Karl will stay another year and try to win one before he leaves the game.
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    Baby Lex Guest

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    Yeah, I feel sorry for him, too. I think he'll stick around. He might as well. But I won't cheer on the Lakers just because of him. But, if they do win, then more power to him. He deserves it.

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    brownbanana ToadMotorSports

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    Oahu, Hawaii
    i always cheer for the underdog unless they its the University of Hawaii (who i will always cheer for)..i always cheer against Lakers, Yankees. I also cheer against overrated underdogs though like the gonzaga's in college bb, nothern illinois in fb the other year. if you get that much publicity about being such an underdog or a sleeper, you no longer are..
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    brownbanana ToadMotorSports

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    Oahu, Hawaii
    oh yea, Go Pistons!
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    pkpss Guest

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    HUGE Laker fan here. I still have faith. :twisted:
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    SERG4U Guest

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    Me too
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    pkpss Guest

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    Off the top of my head, the crazier history fact was from the SA LA series. I think it was something along the lines of 3 teams (maybe even 7?) only have won a series down 2-0 and that is out of something like 100 or so series.

    I honestly think that GP aint working as hard as he should be but whatever.

    I also hate "big" teams like the Yankees. That was until I drafted 1/4 of their team in fantasy lol. We should've started a league with the members of this team this year but it totally slipped me. We should definately get one running next year though.
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    SERG4U Guest

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    yea and no one has won being 3-1 ever. :cry:

    If Karl Malone comes back in game 5 I think they might be able to pull it off.
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    baller Guest

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    hAHAHA KARL MALONE CAN KISS HIS OWN ARSE.. i hate that guy. i hope he never wins and i am so happy that the pistons are kicking the lakers butt..
    always been a lalker hater.. but im a even bigger MALONE HATEr.. that guy doesnt deserve to win anythign!!! hE"S DIRTY.. i dont respect dirty ball players when they intentionally try to injure someone. and thats malone.. so I HOPE SOMEONE TAKES HIM OUT..

    Just read this link to know what im talking about..
    and theres 1000's more like this site.. cuz thats how truly dirty of a player he is

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    imported_Zero New Member

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    eh...since the finals format changed in 1984 to 2-3-2...no home team has ever one the 3 straight home games...I expect the lakers to take game 5 and 6 leading to a final game 7 at staples...tho i'm not sure who's gonna win the series....sure no team has come back from a 3-1 deficit but the lakers seem to like drama and doing historical type stuff...this one should be interesting

    i must admit tho right now detroit just seems to want it more...and if they do good for them Larry Brown deserves it :)
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    tom Guest

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    That website is as funny as the National Enquirer. Hakeem Olajuwon threw Malone down by telekinesis? haha :lol: . What a bull**** website. What a bunch of babies. I had a big laugh reading some of the comics on that page. Someone who is a Malone hater added his own words and twisted the facts. There are lots of players who got into physical altercations than Malone. Games can get physical at times. That's natural in sports. It was just a coincidence that other players happen to be there at the wrong time, and boom, the elbow comes out. It's the other players fault for running into him in the first place. If you want to see flop, look at Vlade Divac. Now that is a flopper. Big faker. The slightest tough, and he crashes like a stunt person. :roll:

    If he was a dirty player, the refs or even the NBA should have done something about it. No one ever did, and allowed him to play the way he played througout his career. Malone was a smart player and found ways to set good picks. If they were illegal, come on refs, call it then. He plays just as hard just as any other player and just want to win.
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    tom Guest

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    ...yeah, as for Larry Brown, I would like him to get a championship too. I don't think he ever won one in the NBA has he? He had a tough task in Philadelphia, but now, he's got a good chance.
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    imported_Zero New Member

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    he never won a nba title...he has in the ncaa but not the nba...sorta messed up considiering he's a hall of famer and all...i he really deserves it...much props if he beats the lakers w/ the pistons =)
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    pkpss Guest

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    A lot of good points Zero. I didn't know about the 3 wins in a row since the format change.

    I also think it will go in the manner you stated, LA takes 5 and 6, then who knows what will hapen in game 7(I'll have to hope for a game 7 hehe).

    And yep, someone or some team always has to make history. :twisted:
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    imported_Zero New Member

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    heh i used to be a diehard laker fan...but then the up and traded my boy Eddie Jones w/ Elden Campell to Charlotte for JR Reid and Glen Rice...that trade pisses me off even today :evil:

    Even Phil Jackson said that Eddie would have been a perfect fit for the triangle but oh wells

    i honestly don't care who wins the series all I care for is that its entertaining :)

    *heh i like how the forum censored the word 5hit but not niggaz ...interesting hehe :wink:
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    Tenchi New Member

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    Go Pistons!!! If it wasn't for Kobe's lucky 3 pointer in game 2 this series would be over! Man that would have been something, the lakers swept in the finals by an eastern team... But still 4-1 would still be amaizing if Detriot can pull it off! 'Sheed had a great game, I hope he continues playing like this for game 5.
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    Baby Lex Guest

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    I don't like Kobe. Detroit finally realized last night who they needed to be guarding, and I don't think Kobe liked that. LA was crying cause they weren't getting the calls they wanted. Here's the difference between LA and Detroit...the Lakers play the refs, the Pistons play the game. Before this series started, it was clear that the Lakers have the manpower, and the Pistons have the willpower. Looks like so far that the will to win is in the lead. 8)

    And Shaq can just take his 7'1" elbow charging self elsewhere. GO PISTONS!!!
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    Tenchi New Member

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    Hell yea!!!

    Lakers will go home crying on Tuesday! :twisted:
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    tom Guest

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    If any team can make history and break records, it's got to be the Lakers. I mean, if you look at their playoff wins, you'll see why. They were down 0-2 before and came back to win a 7-game series quite a few times now and in the past. Well, they're pretty much down now 0-2 (actually 1-3), so if the Lakers play their cards right, they can pull out a win.

    I will be watching Game 5 on ABC with great interest and see what will happen. If Detroit pulls out a win, it would be nice because it would be on their home court. If the Lakers get that win, they go back to LA where the Lakers have home court advantage. Kobe need to create shots and stop throwing up wild shots. Shaq is doing his job already, so no problem with him. Karl and Gary, you guys need to step up your game, that's it. They pass too much and no play is created during most of their possesions. Detroit is always active and you see players setting good picks for wide open shots. THat's how they're making it. Lakers got to rebound more. BLock out the Wallace's. Converge in the lane.

    Lakers don't have that many big guys, that's the problem. They are getting outrebounded every game offensively and defensively. It comes down to who wants it more and who makes the better play.
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    Baby Lex Guest

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    The Lakers are a good team. No doubt about that. They just don't seem to have their head in the game sometimes. Kobe's gotten lucky with his shots these past few games, and it seems he's getting frustrated with Detroit's defense. Shaq, well what can I say, the poor guy can't shoot free throws. You take a look at the Pistons fouls and compare them to the Lakers, and there's a huge difference. Detroit makes alot of points off free throws. They play aggressive ball and like to attack the goal. The Lakers don't seem to drive the ball as much, and are always looking to shoot threes, which is one of the reasons they're fouled less. As far as Malone, he's hurting right now and you can tell. At this point, he doesn't know if he's helping out the team or hurting them. As far as the Pistons go, they tend to spread their points out more. They've got a court full of great players (Hamilton, the Wallace's, Billups, etc). They're a great team, and they fight to the finish. I can't wait until Tuesday night! I hope the Pistons win at home!!! 8)
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    tom Guest

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    I have to admit the Detroit fans are way more into it then Laker's fans. Who is that PA announcer for the Pistons anyways? Did you see how exciting he was? Man he had all those sound effects thrown in and everything to pump up the crowd. I love the way he announced the starting lineups for Detroit. What does the Lakers announcer do? Nothing. He is sooo boring. When Shaq or someone else makes a shot, he just says their name in a boring tone. What is wrong with him? They have to replace that guy and get someone more exciting that can feed the crowd with energy.
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    RexPelagi VDub

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    Canton, Ohio.
    Yep Im happy to see the Lakers getting their asses kicked, keep it up pistons!
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    darkapoc Guest

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    GO LAKERS GO!!!!!!!!!
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    nikeair11 Guest

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    Uh, Detroit?

    Just kidding.
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    SERG4U Guest

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    wtf where?
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    Baby Lex Guest

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    GO PISTONS!!! Kobe can EAT IT..."I guarantee a win"...sorry, that didn't happen did it now Kobe?!?!?! The Pistons went out in style! Way to kick some LA bootay! 8)
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    cool_beans00 New Member

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    pistons won

    i'm so sad

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