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Gauge cluster with tach isn't quite so plug and play...

Discussion in 'Interior' started by Ninety Four, Dec 10, 2004.

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    Ninety Four New Member

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    Gauge cluster with tach isn't quite so plug and play...

    My 94 came without a tach, as many of them did, so I swapped in a gauge cluster with a tach. To my surprise, everything on the cluster worked fine except for the tach.

    I'm now finding out that not all 93-97 corolla's came wired up for a tach from the factory. What are the easiest ways to get this thing wired up? Is there a wire already under the dash that I can use, or will I need to run something throught the firewall?
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    alby13 New Member

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    damn that sucks... i was going to try this all along but that was one of my fears. my speedometer just stoped working. i wonder if it is the guage cluster or the speed sensor.

    i assume it can be wired up like an aftermarket tachometer. i believe there are guides for connecting the aftermarket variety so if you look at that maybe it can be done easily.

    you may have to go through the firewall. i am sure you can route it through a pre-existing hole.

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