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Finnally got the chance to wash the car [56k OWNAGE]

Discussion in 'Pictures & Photography' started by Ninety Four, Mar 27, 2005.

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    Ninety Four New Member

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    Cool your parents hooked you up. Now, go sell it and buy something with a stick.
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    Finnally got the chance to wash the car [56k OWNAGE]

    Double Post - Anyone know if the two forums are gonna merge?

    -A little story-

    My parents paid in full and bought me this car on September 9th 2004. I remember the first day that I saw the car in the driveway, I was wondering "Who's the freaking biatch that's taking over one of our parking spaces." I was really grateful that my parents bought me a car with thier own money knowing darn well that I could afford my own car at the time. I was actually making big plans on getting a 2001 5sp Accord Coupe and tworkin' it out (HONDA BADBOY STYLE TURBO WHAAA!!!). So my gratefulness covered up a bit of my disappointment that I had having to drive an automatic Corolla. Don't get my wrong, but every HONDA LUVORZ idea of a Corolla is... BLEH.


    Overtime, I fell completely in love with my car. And 100% happy that what happened happened. I supposedly owe my mom an RV or something when I get the cash, but I'll handle that later. The car has become my commuter car for my 90 mile and back trek to school 4 days a week and knowing that my car isn't going to break down anytime soon like the cars I see on the side of the highway is real comforting and creates a more enjoyable ride for me. Today, I feel extremely grateful to my parents and I LOOOOOOVE my Rolla S.

    -End story-

    So I finally got the chance to detail my car since finals are over and Spring Break POWERUPS are ON. CHECK CHECK IT OUT!
















    And back in my baby's home. Rawr.

    Thanks for looking!
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    sting Guest

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    wow... nice...
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    corollarider19 New Member

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    lucky you man
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    Haha, well I do have a little more respect for my parents than to sell the car they bought for me, probably make a little money, and buy a car that I do like. I'm still young, I still have time for all that. They wanted me to have safe reliable transportation for the two years that I need to be driving the car.

    Besides, see those mountains in the back of the first picture? I go up and over them everyday in a rush of traffic. Don't need to bother an everyday commute on an incline in a stick, I sold my '81 RX7 because of those mountains. Some do it and alright with it, I didn't like it as much.
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    corollarider19 New Member

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    now take care of your baby now

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