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Jokes Duck walks into a bar...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by DaCubanSkillz, Dec 21, 2006.

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    DaCubanSkillz Active Member

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    Arlington, VA/North Bergen, NJ
    Duck walks into a bar...

    Duck: You got any bread?
    Barman: No, sorry, we don't have any bread
    [After a few minutes]
    Duck: You got any bread?
    Barman: Look, we don't have any bread
    [In a little while]
    Duck: You got any bread?
    Barman: We don't have any Fucking bread!
    [Some time later]
    Duck: Got any bread?
    Barman: If you ask me if I've got any
    Fucking bread once more I'm gonna nail
    your Fucking bill to this bar.
    Duck: You got any nails?
    Barman: NO!
    Duck: You got any bread?
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    JspeXAE102 Well-Known Member

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    群馬 日本
    I like ducks

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