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Drunk Driving

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by e_andree, Jun 16, 2005.

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    e_andree E

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    Drunk Driving

    Drunk driving and who should be held responsible?

    If you get into a car with a drunk person, you are responsible for the outcome of what may happen, dont you all agree? You personally can decide to take a cab home or a bus, or call a family member or friend to come and get you.
    You are putting your own fate in your hands by getting into a car with a driver that has been drinking. Im not saying that any passengers DESERVE to die, but you are playing with fire by entering the car.

    If that driver is in an accident, and passengers die, I do think that the driver should be held criminally responsible though, because when he turned the key, and he knew he was drinking, the DRIVER was putting his fate into his hands, and his passengers as well. He can make the decision to not drive, and make everyone find another way home.

    Everyone makes their own decisions. Even if you trust someone with your life, if you know that they have been drinking, why get in the car with them?
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    statik New Member

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    I agree with every point you made. What brought this up?
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    Bulletproofswordsman JDM Oroku-Saki

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    Cape Coral, FLorida
    that all makes perfect sense and i agree

    unless its a small child or someone else who wouldnt know whats goin on at the time
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    TurismoDreamin ΓΡΗΓΟΡΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ

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    Tulsa, Ok
    Well i agree that the driver should be held accountable overall, absolutely....but if the passengers are drunk, then i personally dont think they should be held responsible....drunk passengers in a car with a sober driver, and drunk passengers in a car with a drunk driver....both of them are still just passengers.....i dont think that the passengers should be punished but instead have the driver severly punished with added charges including something like felony endangerment of passengers or something....its not that i dont agree with you, its just that, it should be up to the drunk passengers own discretion to chose whether or not they want to be in a car with a safe sober driver or a dangerous drunk one like you said....and if they make the stupid choice of hopping in with the drunk driver, then so be it....the rest of the world expects that when people have reached the privileged age of 21 that youre responsible enough to buy a drink and do everything else a 21 year old person can do who has from the point on, been given the rites to what that age has shielded, so they should be responsible enough to make their own decision and let their own decision take its own toll on them whether that price that they pay is waking up the next morning with a horrible hangover or not waking up to see the next morning at all.....furthermore, they should put some of the burden on the bar or club or wherever they were administered the beverage, cuz for instance, at my job, walmart....for every accident that my store has, the maximum pay out for our store is $50,000 if that person who was involved in the accident was to get a some type of insurance check or in the event that person was going to try and sue us for money.....so if someone walks into our store and slips on a grape (which is probably one of the most common slip n falls btw) and they get hurt and sue us for a million dollars, our store would have to pay $50,000 of that million from our out of pocket expenses and comes directly out of our bottom line profits....the company itself pays the rest.....they should have something just like that for a bar or something where they pay a heavy fine......
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    e_andree E

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    Im not saying that the passengers should be held criminally responsible.

    This came up on another board, and the girl that lost her friend was complaining that people were saying that it was the passengers (her friend) fault for getting into the car. Her argument was that the girlfriend trusted her boyfriend....but she KNEW he was drinking all night.

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