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Discussion in 'Exterior' started by moonshadow, May 10, 2003.

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    moonshadow ||\\|||D)||\\||

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    I know, this has been discussed b4 but i wanted to know, is there a way to reroute the DRL's to some other light say for example if i bought some aftermarket foglights cuz i ultimately intend on getting HID's and dont know the effect this would have on them. also, can a switch be added to make them come on and off when you want it to instead of doing the e-break trick and/or pulling the fuses out. any replies will be greatly appreciated.

    p.s. can a switch be added to the automatic light senso too???
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    stinky Guest

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    You have an auto light sensor??

    You could rerun the DRL to your fogs if you had something else running your headlights. Such as a the wiring kit.

    But you would have to figure something out with relays and switches and such to be able to have full function of your fogs at other times. It could be done, but I dont have th etime to figure it out. I just dissabled my DRL's and dont worry about them at all. If I see a cop that may vbe ionterested in why my drl's are not on I just turn the headlight on.
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    moonshadow ||\\|||D)||\\||

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    it came with that light sensor that turns the lights on automatically, i wanna add a switch to it so i can control it's function.
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    stinky Guest

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    wish I had one of those.

    So what do you want to make it do? Not turn the lights on at night??
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    stinky Guest

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    the biggest problem is, if you dissbale the DRL's with a relay system you will not have use of the auto light switch. Its just cant happen.
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    moonshadow ||\\|||D)||\\||

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    yeah i dont want to disable the drl, just reroute them. if and when i do get my HID kit, i dont want them to stay on all the time, cuz i dont know the effect it will have on the lights.
    i also wanna add a switch to the light sensor cuz that way if i turn it off, it wont turn the lights on. my friends lexus ls400 has that option that he can disable it. maybe i should try to find his wiring diagram and see if something comes up.
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    SquirrelMaster New Member

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    by automatic light sensor, do you mean the plastic circle sensor that's in the far left of your dash? If you are, then yes, you should be able to wire a switch to it. Behind your gauge cluster, there's a wire running down from that sensor, just splice the switch from that wire...
    but i don't see why you would need to do that, it doesn't affect your DRLs except for making your lights less brighter in the dark or lighter in the day.
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    stinky Guest

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    That was my thoughts as well. If you dissable your DRL's or even rerout them the lights you wire to the DRL will then just turn on at night with the light sensor. But its only slightly brighter than normal.

    Just get one of those wiring harnesses and use the DIY that I am someday going to do , And that will make the lights only come on when you ant them too, and your light sensor will never work again. Well, actually if it turns your tail lights oin then that will still happen.

    On second thought. does it turn on your side marker lights as well? If it does then it would turn on your headlight sstill.

    And yes you could just splice a switch into one of the 2 wires coming off the actual sensor from behind the dash.
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    moonshadow ||\\|||D)||\\||

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    well i wanted to add a switch to it so i can control when i want the lights to come on and when i dont. i have some personal reasons for which i want that option. if some one could explain it to me more explicitly, i would really appreciate it.
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    stinky Guest

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    to turn the auto lights sensor thing off, jyust get behind the dash where the sensor is. There will be 2 wires on it. Cut one of the wires. Extend it to where your switch is mounted. then stick one ebnd of the wire to the prong on the switch, then the other wire on the other prong on the switch. When you turn the switch on it will enable the sensor, when you turn it off it will dissable the sensor.

    As a totally seperate thing, you will not be able to have that sensor EVER work if you dissable the DRL's with a relay kit. So you need to pick one or the other.
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    moonshadow ||\\|||D)||\\||

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    well is there a way to add a switch to the DRL's as well cuz that way i can just kill two birds with one stone :lol:
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    Tro1086 Guest

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    You guys are making it way to complicated, i just unpluged the damn sensor, and put a switch in my DRLs, and if i pluged the sensor back in, and had my DRLs switched on, it would work just the way it should, headlights and all.

    I sortof made a DIY of how i did it, but i basicly just spliced the power wire running to my factory Relay Box for the headlights, so when i flip it off, the relay box dosnt get power therefore no headlights, but ALL the other lights still work, but i dont know about fogs cuz i have a cheap CE wifout fogs. But heres a link to the little DIY i made:

    click for more info

    But ya with this switch its pretty much like having normal headlights, when i want light, i flip the switch on, then ill have DRLs, one click of the light switch and i have Park's, tails + DRLs, wif the switch fully on i have full headlights, brights, + tails and parks. When the switch is off i can get parks and tails but even if its fully on i dont get head lights, because theres no power to the relay box. Its pretty simple, no power to relay box, no headlights.

    bla bla bla
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    stinky Guest

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    I prefer not cutting wires where the dealer can see if there was ever a problem. If you just want control over when your lights are on, then you can also use the relay kit and wire it up like I did so the DRL's are dissabled. then they wont turn on until you turn the headlight switch one click forward. Then you will get the park lights and the headlights.

    Other than that I would need to know why you want to do this so special to be able to tell you how to acomplish it.

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