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Tech DIVX to DVD conversion

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ratsnrop, Sep 16, 2005.

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    ratsnrop New Member

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    DIVX to DVD conversion

    Ok, I was wondering how to convert divx encoded avi files to actual DVDs. I would use nero, but it crashes my system. It doesn't work with my raid controller. I tied to use roxio, but that's no good either. If any one out there knows how to do this, any help would be greatly appreciated!
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    copies98corolla Guest

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    try dvd santa
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    TRD Rolla New Member

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    oh i know. the process is lengthy, i use a couple a programs to do the whole thing (avi to dvd then author dvd then burn to disc). I use TMPGEnc Plus,TMPGEnc DVD Author, and whatever burning program.. I use nero.

    you use the virtual dub to find if its ntsc or pal... then u with tmpgenc, once u find out if its ntsc or pal, ntsc or pal have different framerates so u gotta match it with tmpgenc. after that you use tmpgenc and you gottta convert it into a dvd type movie file. after that you use TMPGEnc DVD author to create chapters and menus etc. After that, you use nero to burn it...

    the process is lengthy. the other day I downloaded a 1 hr 40 min video. it took about 3 hrs to convert to a dvd movie type file then took another hr perfecting my menus and chapters. takes little time to burn to dvd.
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    kickarse Guest

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    NinetySixToyo Guest

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    i converted a divx to dvd before, the tool was small and called "divx to dvd" =P google it, or try downloads.com, it was free and took about a couple of hours....decent IMO

    i reccomend doing what i did a long time ago, get a philips dvd player, 70$ at comp usa, plays divx and cd-rw.....comes in handy =)
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    jtwisted13 Guest

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    when you use the trial versions of these you generally get a watermark on them or they dont fully burn a dvd....

    i use WinAVIVideoConvertor version 7.1 with lots of success.

    u can find it on limewirepro

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