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Engine custom short ram on 01

Discussion in 'Powertrain' started by locster703, Dec 22, 2004.

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    locster703 New Member

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    custom short ram on 01

    i took a dremmel to my stock air box what was left was a nice round 2 an 1/4 diameter that i went ahead an put a cone filter on the mas sensor an evap hoses still intact im guessing its straight but maybe getttin too much air flow is that good or bad an what should i do to other things like maybe fuel to get the most out of this mod i want to put a pic up if i could
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    d_samurai Guest

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    there's no such thing as too much air flow- your car will only suck up what it's able to suck up... the question is restriction... although i consider optimum air flow w/ no filter or tube on the throttle body- but your car will stall out..
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    COROLLA1ZZ New Member

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    rainbow_star New Member

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    Your 4 keyboard keys beside "M" are all broken?
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    CadetLee Guest

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    True -- but the engine should only suck in what it needs..now if you were 'forcing' air in (ie turbocharger/supercharger, or even n2o) without compensating with extra fuel, you might have a problem.<br />
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    I've had a CAI on mine for well over a year, and it hasn't given me any problems..then again, I don't have a wideband AFR gauge to check on it..lol <img src="http://vvti.net/forums/images/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" alt="" title="Smile" />
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    sxlostv1 New Member

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    i think what u did there with cutting the stock air box isnt really smart. i'd only imagine that you have the cone filter hanging there which could result in raddling.
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    sins New Member

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    that's because the maf sensor isn't reading the correct level of airflow.

    it's not a question of how much airflow can you get really rather then how much clean air can I get?

    PS: there are people selling their Injen short ram on this forum for like $50. i bought mine for a rip-off $200.

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    CorollaULEV Guest

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    Well, personally, I think that is probably the smartest intake of all. If I had the courage to mutilate my stock intake and the car were paid for, I'd do this. The problem with intakes is they cause a lean mixture. And it's not because the fuel system can't deliver the fuel or the engine is just sucking in SO much air that the fuel system maxes out, it's because MAF sensors hate turbulence and lots of intake noise which is something aftermarket intakes provide a lot of. It wigs them out and they give the ECU a false reading and the ECU injects fuel accordingly, thus a lean mixture and (in my case) LOTS of detonation in low-mid rpms. In a word that....SUCKS!

    The only fail-safe way to increase airflow without mucking up the MAF sensor readings is to 1) provide some kind of mesh to straighten the airflow out before it gets to the MAF sensor and 2) keep it far enough away from the throttle body that it isn't getting bombarded by lots of intake noise. Aftermarket intakes do neither, usually, which is why I'm done with them all. Putting a high flow cone filter onto the existing intake is, IMHO, the smartest thing to do. The stock intake tube isn't THAT restrictive, and the mesh that's there NEEDS TO STAY! That's one of those things that we REALLY should just trust Toyota for putting it there and leave it alone. You can't just bolt a MAF sensor in some random spot in the intake and expect it to give accurate measurements because it ain't gonna happen. I HAD an AEM CAI and that was a $200 throw-away. I sold it on ebay and pity the person who bought it. Unless you have a fuel management unit, a spare engine laying around, or can engineer your own, intakes suck and they're a waste of money.

    As far as rattling - I'd gladly take that anyday over detonation. Besides, that's why God gave us zip-ties ;)

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    James Bullshit Police

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    i'm sorry, the injen intake makes your car slower than before you installed it. it's dyno proven to give you 2.1 hp at redline, and a fat loss everywhere else.

    your best bet for modifying your stock airbox is to take out the resonator box, leaving that hole open (between the engine bay and the fender - where CAI's for our car draw their air from) and plug up the part of the pipe from which air is drawn originally. doing this will make your engine draw colder air, which is protected from water by the splashguard underneath your engine.

    this lets you draw colder air (more quantity) while maximizing the torque curve, which is achieved by NOT modifying the stock box.
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    sins New Member

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    my Injen intake is a champ! :D
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    sins New Member

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    my Injen intake is a champ! :D
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    exolyte Guest

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    im pretty sure ur engine wont go lean with only an intake....reset ur ecu and ull be a-ok. ur stock fuel injectors sould be able to handle the extra air.
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    Pantaloon007 Guest

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    The truest thing Ive heard so far is that MAF's hate turbulence. At all. I think the best mod for any intake is to take out the butterfly valve in the TB. It can be done easily, most celica tuners have it done on their 1zz and 2zz's. It helps w/ reducing that turbulence that MAF's hate-

    The way a maf works is w/ 2 wires laid across the airflow one right after another to get the air speed(mass air flow) of the air going by. This is a great way to do it if all your air is moving in one direction and without any restrictions(TB, valves, etc.) but not so good when airflow is not checked. Maybe taking a 99 ECU and MAP would be an easier fix, as long as it sends a 0-5VDC signal. Food for thought...
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    sxlostv1 New Member

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    sxlostv1 New Member

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    i took out the resonator box and i'm confused about the covering the hole part. do you mean that pipe thats facing sideways in between the battery and the headlight?
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    ghoztrider New Member

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    THere is no way that intake makes my car slower, i topped out at higher speed, my tires now spin through. I don't get wat ur trying to say? Take out the tube that air is drawn from that starts from near my headlight and goes around? Leaving the buttom of the airbox free?
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    sxlostv1 New Member

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    no... you cover up the tube near the headlight, and you take off the air box. you'll have less restriction of air now. or you can leave both open
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    James Bullshit Police

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    dont take it out, just plug it up, so the motor draws air from where the resonator box was. and im pretty sure that a guy dyno'd his weapon r intake vs. stock and there was no ponit where the weapon r's torque curve (thus the hp curve as well) was greater than the stock curve so that's my basis for that statement.
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    statik New Member

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    Oh my God.

    I *was* sure I wanted an aftermarket intake.
    But now, well I'm not so sure.
    After hearing all the different sides to this...
    Looks like I'm really going to have to do my homework.
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    Barnacules 100101101011011

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    I had a CAI for a few weeks then tossed it on eBay. It sounded cool but completely robbed my low end power. From a take off I would even kill the car sometimes when I was just trying to creep where as before the intake I had never had any problem. I think they suck :) However my friend with a LS motor in his civic put on a CAI and his car has noticable gains. I just think our engines are designed to have some resistence of airflow going into the motor to improve torque or something.
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    statik New Member

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    Hm, so if you were to have a fuel management system then a CAI would be effective? Otherwise it will just cause problems, or at least do nothing beneficial?

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