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News Cell Phones

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by D Matrix, Aug 26, 2005.

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    D Matrix Member

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    Cleveland Ohio
    Cell Phones

    I hate people who:

    -Talk loudly on cell phones. This usually happens at restuarants, they talk so loud that even the cooks in the back can hear them. I don't care if you are "running behind on a worksite" or if "Andrew and his family moved to Florida last June", I just want to eat my pancakes in peace and quiet. SHUT UP.

    -Put the world on hold. "Hold on a second, I have to answer this". It doesn't matter what is going on, no matter how important, the call absolutely must be taken. Now everything needs to stop so that person can yap on the phone. Give me a break.

    -Drive while talking on the phone. I am not even going to go into it, you all know what I mean.
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    01rollas New Member

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    Deep South, Texas , currently in Okinawa, Japan
    yeah, personally i know how that shit feels. driving while on the phone is going to be against the law here in texas starting in 050901 and if your caught driving while talking it will be a fine of 200 dollars. As for talking while outside or in a public place such as a restraunt i just turn it to vibrate and depending on who is calling i only when i will answer it,and if i do i tend to go outside or to another area. so i do not distract others and i hate it when others eavesdrop on your calls.

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