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Brake Pads

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DrunkSaru, Apr 20, 2009.

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    DrunkSaru Unsuspecting Poo Flinger

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    Brake Pads

    My friend went and bought some new EBC Green brake pads since his EBC Reds (which were decent) lasted him 2 track days and one week of regular everyday driving. Last week, after breaking in the pads, we went to Grange Racetrack for a track day and after a few laps, the pads were totally glazed over. We called EBC about it, told us it wasn't supposed to do so and so they sent us a new pair of pads. This weekend, we went back there again and drove the car and this time the pads warped my friend's brembo discs and the pads were all glazed over again after a few laps. So from that experience, he and I are not too happy with EBC greens at the moment. Would prefer the reds if they didn't go out so quickly.

    Besides OEM brake pads, the Hawk HPS pads were really nice too but they wear out pretty quickly. Not as quick as the ebc reds but still not worth the money. At least with OEM, if the pads get too hot, the braking gets really mushy and you just have to let it cool down. the Hawks HPS just wears away although they still stop you.

    My personal favorite is Project Mu's B-Force Pads. They were great for everyday use and even during occasional track days they were nice and reliable but the pads are just expensive and hard to get a hold of.

    Anyway, thats kind of my review for pads.
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    JspeXAE102 Well-Known Member

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    I have 30k on my hps and i still have about 50% pad left. Used them for some autox and hot laps, they seem to start fading after a couple laps... IMO they're just a street/autox pad, not enough bite and too scary for track usage. HP+ is the way to go.

    IMO EBC are too expensive for what you get.
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    DrunkSaru Unsuspecting Poo Flinger

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    30K and only 50%? wow. when i used it for auto x many years ago, the pads lasted less than a year. probably went once a month or so on average.

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