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News Biased Judging

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by oppositesleeper, Apr 9, 2006.

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    oppositesleeper New Member

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    Biased Judging

    So this last saturday i attended a local car show and entered my car into the import class. I drive a 98 chevy prizm (yes i know its not an import but thats still the class im going for, some people agree with me going import class some say i should go domestic but i think its based on the direction of the car not necessarily where its made but i digress). Within the class were a few cars with wheels, intake and exhaust but myself and a 96 eclipse were the only cars with body kits, spoilers, interior mods, racing seats, i have vertical doors. Basically my car was the best car there, and im not just "tooting" my own horn, that was said by many attendees there. The only problem was the judges. As the judges went around they were going car class to car class and when they were judging imports they didnt even stop to look at my car or the eclipse... i was shocked. How can you not look at all the cars, so i confronted them and they said that they just picked the cars based on which ones the prefered and then narrowed them down from there. And i said what about the 2 cars (myself and the eclipse) at the end and they said they didnt need to look at them. So i was like ok i guess they could see they were nice without doing an inspection. Well the time for judging rolls around and in the import class the cars that won were

    3rd place a stock scion xb (not even hooked up from factory)
    2nd classic z car (only car that deserved to win something this car was nice but it was classic)
    1st stock bmw m4

    i was shocked and pissed. apparantly the judges dont judge based on whats done to your car or the work you've put into it they judge it based on what kind of car they would drive. Its a sad day when you can drive a car from the lot and win a show. If thats what kind of car show they wanted why didnt they just hold it at a dealership. Needless to say im pissed. Its like my car was "racially" (if i may be so bold) descriminated against because its flashy. Judges should have something to base their descisions off of rather then just "i liked it more."

    and that vvt-i is what grinds my gears.
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    Denver Rolla 98 impreza

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    see.. my feeling about car shows is not what the judges say but what your peers and the show visitors say... (to use an old saying) its not wether you win or lose, its how good your shit looks wile your doing it.
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    oppositesleeper New Member

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    i agree as well. its a good feeling knowing that my car was the best looking car there (import class at least some nice old vetts) but a trophy never hurt anyone either : )
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    Denver Rolla 98 impreza

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    thats true... :) everybody likes a trophy, but I'd honstly rather have the applauds of friends, and others than some trophy... :)
    but remind me to come out to the next show your in... sounds like I have a decent chance of winning... :)
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    corollinout New Member

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    they have car shows at high schools in my area for fund rasing, who ever goes to the school usually wins. so i dont even enter them. a friend of mine entered the truck part of the show in his 91 dodge dakota, lowered, rims, front grill, nice paint( right out of the paint shop) motor swap ( v8 crate motor). it was a clean truck, out of the 3 trucks that were there, a basically stock s-10 won
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    polo708 New Member

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    thats just life... I wouldnt doubt that it was due to a bit of jealousy also. Its sad what the world has come to sometimes, haha.
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    Prodigy3006 Rubber Man

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    I want to see your car
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    JspeXAE102 Well-Known Member

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    Pretty much all car shows are rigged, don't go for the trophies.
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    DeebsTundra Big Tires :)

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    Yep...enough talk...time for some pictures! :cool:
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    oppositesleeper New Member

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    i dont have a digital camera and my phone, a motorola something or other takes absolutly horrible pictures....i mean i could blink and draw a picture better then this thing actually takes pictures. Its like a degarotype. Ive been trying to bug some people to get a camera but they always "forget" and ive spent to much money on said car to go out and drop another 300-500 on a decent camera. Soon though, hopefully soon.
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    Ninety Four New Member

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    The show scene is so subjective though... What if the the judges are more into JDM style vs. all out wild stuff like vertical doors? They're the judge, so no matter how much effort or work you put into your car, if they don't happen to like your style, you lose.

    That being said, I wouldn't get too bent out of shape over it. Just try to attend shows where you know the judges have a history of liking the style you've done your in.
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    DeebsTundra Big Tires :)

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    Just work the guys at the local electronics shop. I got a $289 camera, with a 256 meg card for $180.
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    Prodigy3006 Rubber Man

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    just get a friend to take pictures, i want to see your car. I'm sure you have friends

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