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Engine Automatic shifting

Discussion in 'Powertrain' started by oddfish, Feb 17, 2003.

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    oddfish Guest

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    Automatic shifting

    Hello all, just bought my corolla 2 weeks ago, saw this place and thought it was great, you guys really know your stuff. I did have a question though, will shifting the automatic manually have any harmful effects on the transmission? I havent tried it on my corolla yet since im still breaking it in :cry: but i did it a lot on my old car without any apparent problems. If anyone knows I would appreciate it, thanks.
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    methaneb Guest

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    Well, if you autoshit at lower RPMs, it should be ok. If you do it in order to run the engine towards redline, it could cause a little wear. Just don't do it all the time and you should be ok.
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    methaneb Guest

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    Well, if you autoshit at lower RPMs......

    Don't do it! It makes a total mess!
    Why shift it since it's an automatic? Let it do it's own thing other than maybe downshifting to reduce speed down a long hill, it really doesn't serve any purpose. Will it harm the tranny? No, but it will increase the rate of wear over the long term.
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    yeye Guest

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    Here we go again :roll: .... If u like shifting so much just buy a stick shift and problem solved... The only shifting I do is downshifting to 4th using the overdrive button, usually when going uphill or the car is lagging...
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    oddfish Guest

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    Yeah thanks guys, I was just wondering. Manual would be nice but too much commuting :( , of course I really don't have to worry about it either way since my car is buried in snow! Anyways thanks again guys
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    tom Guest

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    You gain so much speed through each gear by manually shifting an automatic. There is no engagement of the clutch like in manual transmission, and you can redline it just as easily as if you were racing with manual. I've done it with my friend's Lancer a few weeks ago and man, it was smoking fast. Floor the accelerator without letting it out and shift through each gear until you hit "D" and just keep gunning it. Watch the tach and shift when timing is right. Try it, you'll see what I mean. You;ll pull a lot of RPM's and he doesn't even got any mods on the Lancer. Get some CAI and cat-back and you'll really feel the pull, then slap on supercharger.
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    MrDisco99 Guest

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    Oh geez, not this again...

    Auto trannies are not designed to handle manual shifting that way. Keep doing it and you'll be getting it rebuilt or replaced soon. You can replace a clutch in a manual without much hassle. The torque converter and internal clutches in the auto tranny are supposed to be more permanent but also supposed to take a lot less abuse because the ECU treats them gently.

    If you wanted to shift, you should've gotten a manual.
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    tom Guest

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    That's the risk of racing in an automatic. YOu can do it and you'll get serious gains, but like you said, it hurts the tranny a lot.
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    alpha-vvti Member

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    Bay Area, CA
    what if you just floor it? how much rpm can u reach before it revs
    coz when i just floor it without using the L>2>D method
    i can get up to 5xxxrpm + then it revs

    so i think if you really need that extra 1000 rpm then use the L>2>D method

    off topic, 1 yr ago and after post, its alive again
    great timing
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    w1ngzer0 Guest

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    i don't know if he is talking about shifting manualy with the automatic whatever its called lol. or just using his foot. Cause you can controll how the car shifts by how much gas or how you put the gas on that controlls the RPM and when it shifts. I have experenced this "auto" shifting in my brothers 3 cyl geo metro woop! :p
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    DaChozn Guest

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    Man this thread should be in the 2003corolla.com history hall. Come on guyz is not enought with the hundreds of times this question pops up on present dates now we have to bring it like blast from the past.
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    Crazyness Guest

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    What if you have a car that has auto shifting? most of the acuras, bimmers and my A4 has them so whats the difference?

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