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any fish people in here? need help

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by falnfenix, Sep 14, 2005.

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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    any fish people in here? need help

    so i'm considering getting a fish tank...i'm going to make a rotary tank for something a little different(yes, i know it's been done before, blablabla). my question is, what kind of filtration system should i use, and can i build it into the tank somehow? i've never MADE my own tank, so this is something a little new for me...heh. i definitely don't want to leave it filterless, but i know the standard topmount filter systems just don't work for this kind of use. mind you, i've never done anything creative with a fish tank before - i've only had the standard box tanks in the past.

    here's a picture for a visual aid:

    i'm considering, by suggestion of a friend of mine, getting a freshwater puffer for this little creation. i don't know a thing about these - are they delicate fish? can i put an algae eater in the tank with them?

    fish people, help!
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    e_andree E

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    You can get a filter system that rests on the bottom of the tank, under the rocks.
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    teevee247 Well-Known Member

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    Post pics when ur done :) I've always wanted a "TV" aquarium...
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    i'm debating between that and one that hangs on the side. it would appear that a side-hanging interior filter would be, well, gaudy and overly obvious.

    i'm pretty dead-set on a dwarf puffer or two. apparently they're carniverous, and eat baby guppies. they only get to be around an inch long, so they're ideal for such a small tank.
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    teevee247 Well-Known Member

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    Nice choice in fish! Looks cool, and carniverous doesn't hurt :)
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    fishexpo101 Get Some

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    You can pick up filters that stick on the side with suction cup feet or get a more discrete freestanding filter. Some sit on the floor, others are small enough to sit next to or behind the tank. Some undergravel filters have plates that might be small enough to fit (hides under the gravel) - in any case, you will have to find a way to disquise the intake tube.

    All depends on what kind of tank you were thinking of building - I kind of like the rotory engine tank - I've seen those for same from some guy in Australia. Very unique. Also seen some tanks made from dead Apple iMac (the all in one units).

    I've heard from some people that those puffers can be pretty mean. They'll eat just about anything - they'll even nip the fins off of larger fish and each other if they get close of they start getting hungry. They are also pretty tolerant of water conditions and temperature. Some like a little salt in the water - others like just fresh water. Though a little aquarium slat is good from time to time to promote good gill activity, slime coat production, and prevent/cure many illnesses.

    You have to watch the space though - for little fish, they need lost of space (cuts down on the nipping and aggressive behavior). They recommend 2-3 gallons per fish. Those tropical freshwater algae eater (looks like little catfish with a sucker mouth)sold under the name Otocinclus (dwarf catfish) are pretty well tolerated by most fish. Every toprical fish I've have and even the pirana I used to have never bothered them.
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    DaCubanSkillz Active Member

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    I had the Eheim 2217 when I had my 75 gallon. The only tubes u saw were the intake tube and the tube that puts water back in the tank. that filter did the job and the canister hid in the tank stand. I was always told and it makes sense....buy a filter that can handle a tank bigger then yours for good results. for instance, if you have a 10G tank, get a filter that can handle 30-50g's (just an example). I was going to replace my eheim with a different Eheim that can handle a 120g tank but my budget got cut short. Keep in mind some canister filters are pricey. And when I was doing my research for canister filters, Fluval canisters are said to be no good. they'll do the job but they won't last as long.

    I've had expierences with the underground filters but I never liked them. Alot of times, all the shit and food would stay at the bottom of the tank and its sometimes rough to get it out because too much movement of the rocks is no good for hte tank. However, with an algae eater, they'll eat whats on the bottom and it helps clean up the tank (considering you do not have an underground filter). I had 2 algae eaters and they got to 10in and 12in big in my 75g tank. When they were that size they would eat the pellets I fed my O's. They would swim to the top and grab one of the pellots and then slowly sink to the bottom of the tank wiht the pellet in their mouth. My Oscar's didn't mind them until they got territorial. Thats when they would attack the algae eaters and they eventually died.

    If you're going to get tropical fish, make sure they're not agressive. Its always harder to combine agressive fish once they've adapted to the tank. My O's were agressive (I didn't know that until I did my research afterwards..dumb mistake i did.) and no matter what type of fish I put in there, they would not get along. Not even with their own kind. I would suggest getting community fish. Those are easier to combine but then again you have to worry about fin pickers like the tetras. But ALWAYS check to see how big they get. because some fish can out grow the tank size like my O's did (I got them at 2 inches big and they grew to 12in within a year and half). Always keep that in mind when buying any type of fish.
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    statik New Member

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    Yeah, DaCubanSkillz that's what I was thinking of. An external filter with water in and water out tubes. We use something like that for our pond, but that thing is HUGE. They probably make ones smaller. Actually you could probably make it yourself with filter elements and or charcoal and then just use a water pump to circulate it.
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    Will, thanks for the info. the "tank" is entirely too small for more than 2 fish, so combining them wouldn't be an issue. to be fair to the puffer, i'd get just one. besides - puffers are carnivorous. i'd rather see one puffer live happily, than one puffer picking on another fish.

    i'll check into that particular filter brand...i'm stopping by a reptile and fish specialty store down by the boyfriend's place today, so i'll bring that up.
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    Rolla95 Rollin' Out y0

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    faln, i have a 10 gallon tank in my room, and i had 2 dwarf puffers in there, but i had to get rid of them because they would nip at my other fish, as far as what u should put in the tank, its good to have a undergravel filter in there but i dun think u would be able to do that if u wanna do the rotory tank thingy, u should at least put and airstone with a little pump in there, and by not having a filter at all you will have to change the water alot, prolly like once a week...gimme a few minutes and i will take a pic of my tank and show u my setup
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    i'm unconcerned about their behavior with other fish...it'll be just one or two puffers, and that's it.

    get pics up! :D
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    Rolla95 Rollin' Out y0

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    ok, heres some pics of my tank and all the fish that i have in it...

    Fish Contents:
    1 Tri-Color Shark
    2 Red Velvet Swords
    2 Blue Gourami's
    2 Sunset Honey Gourami Gourami's(my favorite)
    2 Cherry Barbs
    2 Zebra Danio's
    6 Whitecloud's(awesome small fish, live for like ever)
    2 Albino Cory's
    2 Algae Eater's
    1 Snail
    1 Pleco

    The hanging filter
    Internal Filter(the blue thing in the corner on the last pic)

    Lava Rock
    3 Plants
    Bubble Bar in the back at the wall
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    Rolla95 Rollin' Out y0

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    heres my updated fish stuff...i now have to tanks, my 10 gallon(1st picture) and my 5.5 gallon tank(2nd picture) the 5.5gallon will have a albino african clawed frog in it soon...the 10 gallon tank now has the following
    2 Tri-Color Shark
    3 Red Velvet Swords
    2 Blue Gourami's
    2 Sunset Honey Gourami Gourami's(my favorite)
    2 Cherry Barbs
    3 Zebra Danio's
    5 Whitecloud's(awesome small fish, live for like ever)
    2 Albino Cory's
    2 Algae Eater's
    1 Snail
    1 Pleco


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