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Any advice would be great

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 01rollas, Jun 23, 2005.

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    01rollas New Member

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    Deep South, Texas , currently in Okinawa, Japan
    Any advice would be great

    Okay. for those of you who know how to loose weight the correct way are what i need. since i'm already in (service) they want for me to go down 3lbs per week which so far is pretty easy but i know i can do more. right now my current weight is 207 so i need to go every week. I need to lower down as much as possible before i ship out on Oct.-24-05 or (051024).They want me at 190 but I'm pretty sure i can hit 180 possibly less. So far they have me train 4 days out of the week with them in our PT. the Sgt. has me run every other day and walk for 1 hour any days i don't run. i have been eating correctly. but preferably i need to know what i can and can't eat or otherwise my ass is grass for unsatifactory weight gain. then they really kill me literally. so any advice is really helpful. thanks RAR
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    milhousse C U in the car

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    As long as you are eating correctly, (ie DON't go on a severe diet or else you'll just end up with some more problems), work your ass off. If you can, and it's hot, go outside and do some lawn/yard work. Drink LOTS of water, and keep a hat on. Thats a good way to sweat some pounds off. Run. But stretch before you do and take it easy.

    Mind you, i shouldnt be giving advice, as i am trying to GAIN weight.
    Any suggestions for that?? (aside from eating the ton of food that i already do).
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    teevee247 Well-Known Member

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    If you find something that works to gain weight, let me know!
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    milhousse C U in the car

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    Haha no kidding. I eat so much damn food and can't gain a pound (im sure someone's going to get mad at me for saying that). WELL over 2500 calories a day lots of protein. 6'1" and 145lbs. its retarded.
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    Bulletproofswordsman JDM Oroku-Saki

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    Figure out how many calories a day ur consuming, then burn like 500 or so MORE than you consume perday. 2,000 calories is a pound of fat i believe so that amounts to about 3 or so pounds a week
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    teevee247 Well-Known Member

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    Sounds like me, i'm 6'2" and hover around 152~154lbs... and I eat alot too... just can't put on the weight...
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    BangRolla New Member

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    houston, texas
    so ive been trying to loose weight also.
    eat healthy, obviously no sweets. ie: candy,icecream and junk food
    stay away from startch as startch turns to sugar which then turns into fat. this group includes potatoes, carrots and white rice and others.
    watch out for carbs. agood healthy dinner would be like stir fry. or something that inlcudes vegitables.
    hah, so basically; meat, salads and ocaisonal "whatever you like" will do the trick.eat sensible, for the most part you know whats good for you and whats bad.
    but if you're eating correctly and still not loosing any pounds then you're not eating enough. your daily calorie intake has to be at a certain level for you too loose weight. remember to eat a good breakfast, light lunch and not to heavy dinner. dont skip out on any meals.
    if im not too busy, ill find the numbers for you.
    i hoped i helped
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    Cuztomrollaz98 MAD VLAD!

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    Hell weight lift man that's the best way to gain weight and look good and healthy and also eating w/e the hell u please.... and well for the weight loosing thing man burn more calories than what u consume AND hit the Sauna once in a while that shit helps A LOT!. I've never tried it cause I don't need to loose weight but ppl that do have tried it and it works for them. I'm only 17 and 5'6 and I'm at 162 lbs and all because of eating w/e I want and weightlifting :D
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    statik New Member

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    I'm not an expert by any means but I do know some good solid information on the subject.

    Well, what's your metabolism like? Average to slow probably... The things that trigger fat storage are stress, overeating, and unbalanced meals/eating habbits.

    This might sound weird, but you need to eat more often to lose weight. Eat 5 to 6 times a day. Small meals in between breakfast lunch and dinner. It has to be balanced to where you are eating. You need to have protien, carbohydrates, vegetables, fat and fiber in each meal. Fiber is very important.

    You can get fiber from beans or non-startchy vegetables. Little or no potatoes, white rice, white pasta. Substitute any white flower products with whole wheat. Whole wheat bread, bran muffins, whole wheat pasta, and brown rice. Just stay away from white processed foods.

    30 to 60 carbs per meal for a tall person is adequate. 20 to 30 for smaller people. You just don't want to consume too many carbs (either through sugar, fruit juice, starchy vegetables like corn or potatoes) because if your metabolism does not use them it will be stored as fat.

    As a rule of thumb:

    -If half your plate is meat and carbs (chicken and rice) then the other half should be ALL vegetable.

    -you don't want to eat anything with more that 3.5 grams of saturated fats per meal.

    -Should have a minimum of 3 grams of fiber.

    -No trans-fat at all.

    -Limit your carbs accordingly to your metabolism and body size.

    -Eat a handful of food once you wake up to get your metabolism started, you've been fasting all night!

    -Every meal should be balanced. An example would be: Chicken breast, broccoli cauliflower and carrots, a peice of whole wheat bread. Thats balanced.

    -Stay away from fruit juices they're mostly sugar carbs. If you want or need juice keep within your carb limit. When you body feels hungry and you want fruit juice, drink it separate from your meal. Your body at that point is craving carbs and will be able to handle the surge of sugar carbs and metabolize it instead of storing it. It takes about 15 minutes for your body to process something like that.

    -Drink water, plenty of water. Little or no sugar in your drink is best. You basically want too keep the sugar out because if you don't burn it off it will be stored as fat.

    -Beef has an inbalance of fats, which causes inflammation and cancer. Good alternatives are fish, turkey, chicken, moose meat, these all have a good balance of fats inlcuding omega-3. If you don't like fish, take fish oil capsules. Make sure they are PCB free SMALL FISH and cold pressed, anything less than that is just a waste of time and potentially harmful.

    -As a general rule for meat, for each meal don't eat a peice of meat that is bigger than the palm of your hand.

    -If you have to have beef eat it very sparringly!

    -Nuts are good sources of fats and protiens.

    -Green tea helps you lose weight. Drink it up. (no sugar) You may have to aquire a taste for it. Hot or cold.

    -Fiber intake is important. You may want to take fiber every morning. It will keep your metabolism working well and keep you regular. Psyllium fiber is good. You take it with some water or juice in the morning then wait a half hour before eating. It basically cleanses your digestive tract, so eating with it negates any nutritional absorption.

    Some things to make eating so frequently easier are:

    Get your vegetables from V8 juice.
    Eat trail mix. (check the nutrition info and check the fats and carbs)
    Balanced snack bars.
    Crackers like triscuits or wheat thins.
    Sardines (if you like them. they're easy to take with you)
    Turkey jerky.
    Lowfat yogurt.
    Bagged vegetables.

    And above all, don't stuff yourself. Stop eating when your full. Most people continue because it tastes good or they want to clear their plate. Over eating might be hard to recognize so you have to get used to "listening" to your body.

    When you eat alot of food all at once with long spaces between meals your body thinks it's starving and stores fat. With stress on top of that you're bound to gain or retain fat or weight.

    The worst thing you can do is eat 3 large meals a day.
    The best thing you an do is eat 6 small meals a day.

    This is good information from a nutritionist that my girlfriend has been seeing.
    Most "diets" are just to lose weight and not to actually maintain a healthy lifestyle.

    I have a REALLY high metabolism. I am thin naturally. I have tried this way of eating and I can say that I felt alot better and had more energy than if I ate the 3 big meals a day! It's working for my girlfriend. It's weird, eat more frequently and LOSE weight.

    See if there is a nutritionist available for you to talk to. Listen to the nutritionist, not South Beach or Weight Watchers...

    Hope that helps!
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    Cuztomrollaz98 MAD VLAD!

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    yea metabolism has a lot to do with weight shifting and stuff too have that in mind...
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    milhousse C U in the car

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    Yea I am going to have to go see a nutritionist.
    And start eating a hell of a lot better.
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    statik New Member

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    Free healthcare... Pfff!

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    BangRolla New Member

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    damn, my information didnt sound thoughtout too well, i really liked how statik put it.
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    milhousse C U in the car

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    gotta love canada! :)
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    01rollas New Member

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    okay i read over some of you rstuff but i have to go and train the sgt just called me to go so i wil write back later. tanks and if trying to gain weight go to AST sports science it works great with excellent results.laters
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    Cuztomrollaz98 MAD VLAD!

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    canadians get free healthcare??? why in the fuck don't we that here? damn it
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    milhousse C U in the car

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    yea. as i mentioned in a nother post a couple days ago, we get free healthcare. If you need any surgery, its covered, if you need to go see the doc, or go to the emergency room, if you need .. well almost anything it's covered. prescriptions are really lot, and normally covered by your companie's benifit plan.
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    iAMconfused TRD Whore

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    eating a ton of food actually helps you lose weight if you're already skinny; since you already have high metabolism, eating more only encourages it. you need to starve yourself for a while, so your metabolism slows down, and then eat a lot sometime after.
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    TurismoDreamin ΓΡΗΓΟΡΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ

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    well since i was in crosscountry for two years....i can tell ya how i saw others lose weight as well as me plus it helped me abs look ridiculously toned.....if you're committed enough, run 3 miles a day, five days a week....we ran either 3 or 4 depending on what day it was....after you get done running, eat an orange or grapefruit....on three of your days after you run, preferrably mondays wednesdays and fridays do a weight lifting workout for your upper body only that focuses more on repetitions instead of weight...this should help you tone up, elongate your muscles, which help you respire better speeding up your body's ability to provide oxygen to your blood vessels in turn speeding up your body's ability to produce atp energy via cellular respiration....on two of your days, preferrably tuesdays and thursdays, do aerobic exercises focusing on your mid section and legs....first, find something like a bar or a basketball goal post that is secure enough for you to hang off of....hang there for about 30 seconds...do no jump up and grab the bar....have a chair under you and tip toe to the height of the bar and after 30 seconds, let go gently so you dont come down hard on the chair....the idea is to decompress your backbone....then do 60 sec crunches as fast as you can and about every two weeks, move up 5-10 seconds....then lay on ur back with your hands in a shape of a diamond, place it like near the top of you (ahem) ass crack, haha, for support, and pedal as if you were bicycling but make sure you focus on your form.....do this for 90 seconds, then switch by extending your legs all the way out and "scissor" kick your legs up and down without touching the ground as fast as you can for your last 30-60 seconds....then the best workout ever.....this is the secret....leg throws.....get a partner and have them stand with their legs spread about shoulder length apart....lay down facing up(avoid looking up this person's pants, preferrably have them wear sweats) make sure your shoulders are near his toes and your in a comfortable position.....grab their ankles and keep your legs straight.....have them throw your legs to the ground not hard (all their really doing is slightly throwing your legs to give you a sense of direction)....you are to counteract without hitting the ground and come back up.....do this in a quick motion.....your partner will throw your legs straight out, then to the left side, then to the right side....and that all counts as one.....you should start at 10 until you can build up enough abs to do 30......you'll see very very dramatic results if you follow this plan for 2-3 months.....you'll notice results in a week or two as well if you're doing it all right...
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    01rollas New Member

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    Deep South, Texas , currently in Okinawa, Japan
    ok turismo it would be better if you sent it to my hotmail account at rarva_12@hotmail.com thanks though.

    Right now they have me eating boiled chicken with lemon. Once a day very light spices.
    drinking craploads of water which is what the marine corp require due to recruit
    as for exercises they Do Not want me to build any muscle since i am naturally skinny but the catch is i have not worked out for a while. the last time i worked out was when i was in charge of the PE traning dept. here at a local magnet school. I was also in charge of the weightlifting there. This was when i was in high school.So all they want for me to loose is the extra weight. They have me running 1.5 miles in under 13 minutes which is normal. 100 pushups,including diamond,three point and fist,100 crunches,pullups (according to drill instructor) normal is 2 required + a 30 second dead hang and above bar hang (chin is above bar).All of this is done everyday if not two times a day. My SGT even gave me a chart which i have to follow and report to every day or every other day as required. I have not even learned the Marine Corp General orders and the ranks and specialties. I am sure i will know eveything by the time i ship out in october.Need more info. if you have any questions or any more advice would be great. thanks Ruben
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    TurismoDreamin ΓΡΗΓΟΡΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ

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    hmm...sounds alot like the my workout, hehe....but yea, like when i mentioned the weight lifting, what i meant was like in crosscountry, we werent allowed to lift over (the bar weight + 10 on each side)....for example, on bench press, we started out with 50 reps with the bar and no weight, 2nd set was bar with 10s on each side, and last set was with no weight, just the bar with another 50 reps....it was all just to tone up and not really meant to build muscle just cuz for long distance running, the bigger muscles you have, the more difficult it makes it on the runner to run long distances since bigger muscles are used mainly for power on demand for a short period of time.....id email it to ya but everytime i email some, i get something back from mailer-demon so yahoo says they're tryin to fix it....
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    01rollas New Member

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    cool i can wait for a while that is but if you could send it that would be great.
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    lonelydriver New Member

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    Have you tried high intensity interval training. it's very effective at burning fat.
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    BangRolla New Member

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    houston, texas
    expalin more of this high intensity interval training
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    01rollas New Member

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    yes explain.
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    e_andree E

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    But according to that thread, you all pay a HUGE amount of taxes.
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    milhousse C U in the car

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    Not really. we do have the 14% sales tax (well 7% GST and 7% PST) but aside from that, our residential taxes are about the same, and the income tax rate is about the same, better in some cases.
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    01rollas New Member

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    I'd rather pay the huge amount of taxes then having our healthcare system the way it is . thats if you can even call it a healtcare system.
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    TurismoDreamin ΓΡΗΓΟΡΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ

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    High intensity interval training is basically a high intensity workout for a short amount of time....its called high intensity because your workout needs to be serious enough to reach your body's maximum heart rate...its just a bunch of aerobics and whatnot really.....10 minutes a day, three to four times a week is all that it demands but unless you know what youre doing then id say go talk to a PT....this is very similar to what jessica simpson is doing....
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    lonelydriver New Member

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    bassically with HIIT you do 20 minutes of cardio about 3 times a week. If you're on a tread mill you jog at low to medium speed for 3 minutes and then up it to high for 2 min and then back down. so you repeat that for 20 minutes.

    and like others have said make sure you consult a physician before starting any excercises.

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