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Amps - Wiring

Discussion in 'Interior' started by TravisB, Jun 17, 2003.

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    TravisB New Member

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    Amps - Wiring

    Does anyone have a diagram of how amps can hook up to subs? I don't know what type of amp to get for how ever many subs I want. Do you HAVE to get a mono amp for just one sub? Do you HAVE to get a 2 channel amp for just one sub.. or a 4 channel amp for two subs?

    I just need it explained how they hook up to each sub and what types of amp you need for X number of subs. (X because I just need it explained like for one sub you can use, for two subs you can use, for three, for four, what not)

    Also, what are the "good" brand of amps? I'm looking at Rockford Fosgate or Kicker, but I know there has to be other ones that are equal or even better.

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    03ToyMan New Member

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    Nope, you don't have to get one amp per sub, you can get a multi channel amp and run one sub per channel, although power output will generally be lower that way unless you get a BIG multi channel amp. You can also use a two channel amp, bridge the inputs, and use it with one sub. You could get a four channel amp, bridge the two independant stereo inputs, and run two woofers with it. You can hook multible subs up in series or parallel, depending on what your amp will drive impedance-wise.

    Wow, this could go on forvever, there's so many possibilities! Does anyone have a good basic hookup site URL?

    Far as good amps, I'm happy with good old Jap brands (Pioneer, Kenwood, etc.), but there's a million brands and models. See if you can audition some you're interested in, go with your ears, not the price tag, or someone else's recommendation on sound. What sounds excellent to me may sound like mud to you. But you can trust other people's opinions on quality, when someone buys junk they tend to remember it, and same when they buy something excellent.
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    TravisB New Member

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    Hrm, ok, I'm looking at the Infinity Perfect 12"... I don't know if I should get DVC or not, I don't even know what it is.

    Anyways, what would be the best way to hook up two of them? What type of amp should I get? How many watts should the amp be? What ohm should it be running at? Etc...
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    statik New Member

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    03ToyMan New Member

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    that is a excellent site. I'm going to print the whole thing at work (high capacity lasers there).

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