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Al Qaida Warning

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by e_andree, Aug 4, 2005.

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    e_andree E

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    When did he say that?
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    jtweezy New Member

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    Irving, TX
    hey where can i see that video?
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    C.Pat Guest

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    I forget exactly...I heard it on the radio about a week ago I think. It could have been bogus, I'm not sure. It didn't make sense to me at the time, which is why I remember hearing it.
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    e_andree E

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    I think thats bogus...the last statement that came out was in June, and nothing was said about that. The last time Bin Laden released anything was last December.
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    AlaricD Guest

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    I'm going to install a lightning rod on my house tonight... after all, the odds say I'm much more likely to be struck by lightning than killed by a terrorist...
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    steve403 New Member

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    I think if any of those al quaida do anything stupid, the US will certainly retaliate. Im pretty sure nuclear warheads will be involved. One thing good about President Bush is he isn't afraid to use weapons of mass destruction haha.
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    Cuztomrollaz98 MAD VLAD!

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    Eh I dk man all I hope is that they can keep the security tight cause honestly I don't feel like dying
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    corollarider19 New Member

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    no this was a few years ago when he tried to do this.. it wasnt a statement by him directly.
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    e_andree E

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    Al Qaida Warning

    Referring to the September 11, 2001 attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people, he said: "Our message is clear -- what you saw in New York and Washington and what you are seeing in Afghanistan and Iraq, all these are nothing compared to what you wil see next."

    From todays video tape
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    SlowRolla97 New Member

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    :( Thanks for letting us know. That sucks, hopefully it can be caught some how, but I doubt it.
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    e_andree E

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    Well, its not the first time. Theyve been saying stuff like this for a few years now. Its only a matter of when!
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    corollarider19 New Member

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    yea i know its kinda scary to think about what they have up their sleeve
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    Cuztomrollaz98 MAD VLAD!

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    Littleton, CO.
    damn man this people are straight up 110% crazy man this is insane stuff........ hopefully they goverment is taking this seriously cause the 9/11 attacks they knew about them but didn't take action towards that.
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    e_andree E

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    Well, thats debateable on exactly what intel they knew about........and even if they DID have good intel, what can you do about it?

    What did London do about their intel?? What did Spain do with their intel? Unless they have specifics, ya cant stop it! Its impossible.
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    corollarider19 New Member

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    with cells all over the world its hard to get good solid intel
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    C.Pat Guest

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    Did anyone hear that Osama threatened to put poison in the Cocaine and other drugs and poison millions of Americans?

    I'm a little puzzled on that one. On one hand, yeah, it'd be really bad and probably a lot of people would die. But on the other hand...that'd be the end of America's drug problem with the aspect of cocaine. So hmmmm....in the long run, he'd kinda be doing us a favor a little bit with that one.
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    e_andree E

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    Yeah, the odds are good for anyone that lives in Oklahoma. You just have to worry about American Terrorists
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    AlaricD Guest

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    That's why we're inspecting incoming cattle for bombs...

    One thing's for sure, although Frank Keating was a huge jackass of a governor, he had the class to not exploit 4-19 for political gain...
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    AlaricD Guest

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    Yep, there's no fear HERE: http://www.whitehouse.gov/infocus/homeland/index.html (other than "Elevated" and "High" threat levels...)

    And don't forget all that *freedom*:
    http://www.usatoday.com/news/washin...g-burning_x.htm (although not law yet-- better get your flag-burning in while you can...)

    Note: While I don't support flag-burning, I further don't support modifying the Constitution to unprotect speech, as it just allows room for more laws further restricting speech.
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    Turbo4afe Guest

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    yea ok...go to Europe and say that and you will be laughed at. I am only talking about Europe here cause that where i visit regural. Even Canada hates US!<br />
    what the hell is US's business to try to sort out other countries problems? US shouldn't have been involved in that situation.
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    C.Pat Guest

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    so you heard about it???
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    e_andree E

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    Yeah, i just did some research on it......he tried it in 2002
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    Silver_Nitrate New Member

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    All that threat is bullshit! they take responsibilities for attacks in london even though it doesn't seem to be the work of them. And Bush.....haha he's a joke. When are we going to realize the fighting terrorism with weapons will just lead to more deaths. Everytime you kill a member of their group, it just makes another one even more angrier to us. You cannot kill one person and think it will be better from here on end. It seems like everyone in this world have a hatred for US because honestly, we are blood sucking leeches. We invade a country, use their resources then move on to the next country. I say make a deal with them, let them run their country the way they want to. Give them their country back, their oils and whatever bullshit they have. If they want to kill their own people so be it, we'll do nothing about it but make no mistake that if they attack any americans, we will nuke their fucking country and kill every man, woman and child no exceptions made. And instead of broadcasting it on CNN where the whole world will know our plans, just do it because it gives them time to get out of the country. If you attack by surprise, there is no way of them knowing what we have in stored for them. The media is one of our biggest problem because it televised everything and everybody gets to know what our plan is before we do the action so it gives them time to prepare. (This is just my rant since I am tired of hearing about terrorists)
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    e_andree E

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    Yes, it IS the work of AlQaida......who knows, Bin Laden may not have give that order directly, but he has given orders to all of his followers to accomplish what they believe in.

    Everyone? There are tons of countries that praise us for the help that we've given them.

    What countries are you referring to?

    Give THEM their country back? Who are you referring to? Technically, we have given THEM their country back...the Iraqi people that were under Saddams rule, a rule of fear and no freedom whatsoever.

    So you dont care if others are murdered, as long as they arent Americans?? Thats whack.
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    Silver_Nitrate New Member

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    Exactly my point! We have no business interfering with other's problems. The only time we help is when we can get something out of it. And I don't mean not caring about people getting murdered as long as they are not americans, I'm talking about if we were to make a deal with alquida. If they attack other countries, sure if they ask for help why not help, but don't help by attacking them back. you cannot solve violence by using violence. It is a never ending cycle.<br />
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    As far as countries praising us, can you name some? Korea hates us, China hates us, Russia hates us, Most europeans hates us and even canadian hates us. It is not us personally they hate but how we think we rule over everybody else because we have the most fire power and everybody should fear us. Our government is very insecure about how other countries run their government. We interfere with their business because we want to know everything and every move they make. We want korea to stop making nukes, but have we stoped making them? NO! we are so concern about countries having nuclear capabilities that we forget that they can be used for productive things too like energy. We went to iraq because of oil, we need oil and admit it without it our economy will not strive. And before you say about other countries not being sane enough to carry nukes, let me ask you this question.... do you think we are? We're so afraid about attacks in our country that we build up our armaments when those money can be used for greater things. <br />
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    I'm not saying this to be mean or to offend anybody. It is just my opinion and I believe I am entitled to that.
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    ob1murry New Member

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    I see it like this, your looking out your front window, and you see your next door neighbor shoot his wife in the head, what do you do? Do you just go "oh hey it's none of my business", or do you call the police? Of course you call the police. Police show up and try to negotiate the guy (who has now baracadded himself in the house with hostages) promising him less of a sentence if he doesn't hurt the hostages, he says he won't hurt anyone, kills a hostage, they continue negotiating with him to not kill hostages, he kills another one, it goes on and on like this, eventually he has killed 15 hostages, If this happened and the cops continued to let it go on, they would all be fired, and there would be huge protests. I mean its just my opinion but that is quite similar to what happened, everyone saw the torture and things going on, sadaam admitted to lacing ICBM with anthrax in the gulf war, we knew he was dangerous, the UN negotiates for years, and continutes torturing people, and while he may not have had the weapons, it has been confirmed by former iraqi officials that he wanted to start biological weapons processing again, but the negotiations go no where. Only problem is there isn't a global police force, where the UN sends an army somewhere, who's soldiers make up the majority of it? Ours, who stays in the country long after other countries leave to ensure smooth transitions, us. I'd say that made us the closet thing to global police as anyone could get. Like Silver_Nitrate said I'm not trying to offend anyone or anything, just putting my side out there.

    And just curious, but what is your basis for most of europe, and canada hating us? Those rallies they show on TV, and in the papers? If you do some research you will find that there are just as many pro war rallies in those countries. If europeans really disapprove of the war that badly, I think Tony Blair and the labour party would have been thrown out of power in the most recent election for supporting us.
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    Silver_Nitrate New Member

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    In reply to your comment, you cannot compare a neighbor to a country it's like comparing apples and oranges. Of course you would call the cops because it's the right thing to do. However in situations like this, there is more to it just caring. Do you really think Bush will let all this americans die because he wanted to help??? think about it, he has bigger intentions why he is risking and investing so much in iraq. A free iraq with democratic government means free flowing oil for us. It's is not a matter of us caring but our intent when the job is done. UN is there as a police and we violated that. We went in on our own account and for what? to help? Bullshit! we went in there because we want revenge and we want to take it on somebody who is right in front of us. Bush is finishing what his father started. That is not a basis for help. You do not help by destroying someones country when the UN wanted a more diplomatic way. As a contrair to your example, it is like you going on a vigilanty spree after the police said no. That's a simple fact what US did after 911.
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    Silver_Nitrate New Member

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    and oh yeah, it's not a matter of other countries hating us but more of losing their respect for us.
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    mtxjohn New Member

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    open your eyes

    I agree with most everything silver has said..open your eyes kids. If we were actually fighting against al queida (sic)..we would be in aphganistan. The IRAQ war is a complete hoax...BUSH is sending poor youg men and women form the US to kill poorer people in Iraq for oil money..period. He is from Texas for gods sake, OIL IS his business. And what good has it done? Record oil prices!! High prices mean high profits for Bush and his buddies~! Record breaking deficits..Bush is the worst thing that has ever happened to this country, I wonder how 59 million americans could be so STUPID. If you ran your finances how bush is running this country, youd be bankrupt! Who do you think benefitted from the tax reductions? Bush's rich friends. He even gave tax breaks for people who buy SUVS! Our country has a huge huge income gap..the top 10% of the country OWNS 90% of the wealth! That leaves us lower 90% fighting for a mere 10% of the money in this country..we are like rats fighting for crumbs gentlemen.

    As far as "world police" get real. We don't care about other people... look at the whole continent of Africa where peoples civil liberties are trampled every day. There are people starving..what are we doing? Nothing. If there was a natural resource we could rob from them, you bet we would be "liberating" many African countries!

    Have you guys ever considered that the American "dream" may just be someones else's nightmare? The problem is that we as a country..pretty much think our way of life is the best, we are the best, and everyone else should be just like us. We have been "installing" govts in the middle east for a long time..guess what? It doesnt work. They do not WANT our type of govt/social/economic sytstems. If they did, they would already exist.

    What is amazing is Bush just gets away with things...Bill Clinton had to publicly answer for a friggin blow job..I imagine most presidents/govt officials of that stature have affairs and women throwing themselves at them...but Bush doesnt have to answer for the greatest single intelligence disaster in recent times? He never once had to publicly speak of his gross failure at stopping 911..in fact he used it to his advantage. The patriot act? Good god..911 was a handy excuse for him to enact all sorts of civil-liberties robbing policies. Any of you try to get a drivers licence lately? Its ridiculous. How about crossing the us from canada..even when you are just visiting for the weekend?? I see bush is protecting us from the american citizens who visit canada VERY well. I could go on and on..

    If there was a way to blow up the terrorists with a bomb, Id say do it. Bomb the shit out of them! But its not that simple. The real terrorists are the people in power right here in the US. Has Bush made ANY of you feel safer in his time in office? Or is RIGHT NOW the most unsafe the US has ever felt?
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    kickarse Guest

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    In the bigger scheme of things all this, and the hundreds of years of human history, really show's that Mankind has no real ability or right to rule themselves. Everytime it ends in disaster.


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