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Discussion in 'Powertrain' started by kleptohomicidal, Feb 17, 2004.

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    kleptohomicidal Guest

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    Well guys after being in the garage since 10 AM and finishing around 2 PM I finally have the AEM CAI & BORLA EXHAUST installed. I started the day by droppingm y wife at work and coming home to a quick bowl of cereal. Made some coffee, and took it w/me in a termo mug to the garage around 9:30 AM. Started getting all the tools I would need, spread everything out so I can begine to work. I began by jacking up the car and putting it on stands.

    After a few good tries to get the bolts off the exhaust, unsuccesfully of course, I lefft the muffler and began to take off the stock air box. But 11:30-12 I compleleted the task. A lil after NOON time, my boy X arrived at my house and we quickly began the process of removing the stock muffler. After a lil wd40 and a breaker bar, lol, we got the nuts off, and began the agonizing hell of getting the stock muffler off the rubber hanger things.

    Once off I quickly took a picture of the 2 exhausts side by side. Dont dorry I took a before pic, and all I have to do is take an after pic of the rear set up.

    Now once we finished that off, we then comenced the work of the CAI instal. It was actually real easy watching X do most of the work (felt a lil useless, lol). But Even after I read the instructions and felt it was easy, i thought I would wait for X to come for the simple fact he has done an instal before.

    Well now for my performance gains......THEY ARE GREAT. I love the way the car now tends to pull alot harder than before. Acceleration is great, and man the sound is mean and tuff.

    Took it for a try out spin on the Van Wyke Expressway, man I was cutting lanes just cause...LOL...just to keep the reving up and going on, just to feel the performance gains.

    I have to say I am so happy w/my new 2 toys.

    Now I am also just waiting for my AEM pully to get here from Canada to report even further performance gains. JAE, holla at me DUDE. Canadian post office sucks, lol.

    anyway I'll post pics once I develope them and scan them in at work, lol.


    j :twisted:

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