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Jokes A man's life

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by laz, Nov 2, 2006.

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    laz Member

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    A man's life

    While creating the universe, God told the donkey, “You will labour hard from morning till night. You shall carry on your back heavy loads, and live 50 years. You will eat hay to survive, and you will not be appreciated. “50 years of hard labour is too long my Lordâ€, the donkey replied. “Give me 30 years insteadâ€. God agreed.

    Then God created the dog, and said, “You will guard your master, and you will be man’s best friend. You will eat scraps of food, what man has left over, and live 25 yearsâ€. The dog said, “Lord, 25 years will be very hard, give me 10 and I will be happyâ€. God granted the dog’s wish.

    Next He created the monkey. “You will swing from tree to tree, and you will act like a fool. You will make man laugh, and you shall live 20 yearsâ€, God told the monkey. “God, creator of all, give me 10 yearsâ€, the monkey begged, as the wish was granted.

    Finally God created man, and told him, “As man, you are the only logical living thing on earth. You will use you wisdom in your survival, and accomplish bigger and better things. You will set goals and achieve them. You shall live for 20 years.†Man was disappointed, said to God, “Oh my Lord, to accomplish great things in life, 20 years are not enough. Please give me the 20 years the donkey rejected, the dog’s 15 years that didn’t want, and the monkey’s 10 yearsâ€. Man’s wish was granted.

    And so it had begun. Man lives 20 years, like a man. Then he gets married, and lives the next 20 years like a jackass, slaving from morning till night. After becoming a father, he lives like a dog for 15 years, protecting and safeguarding his family, eating leftovers. As he gets old, he turns into a monkey, acting like a fool, entertaining and making his grandchildren laugh.
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    BangRolla New Member

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    houston, texas
    lol. thats pretty good.
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    Barnacules 100101101011011

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    Duvall, WA
    Thats pretty funny :D

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