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1Nicetrd build Thread

Discussion in '8th Gen' started by 1nicetrd, Aug 13, 2015.

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    1nicetrd Well-Known Member

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    Sandwich straight to the accusump

    Little update : Sadly, I bent a valve in my engine I swapped over from a once 2zz swapped corolla. Current guess is I wore down the rod bearing from a trackday or previous owner did. But its salvageable so that will be next on the rebuild list.

    So a kind of half built motor went in
    -ACL Race bearings Rods and mains
    -MWR stage 2 Cams
    -Boundary Billet heat treated oil pump
    -Oil pressure shim(For racing needs)
    And a bunch on new oem bits

    Outside of mechanical work. My new 3D scanner came in! Now I can knock out all the cool work I have been wanting to do but had a technology handicap. Here are some sample scans i have been able to knock out so far.


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    crolla "Wait did I just lose to a corolla?"

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    Great update. What's the deal with the oil pressure shim? What made you give it a try? Are you going to actually measure the difference in pressure before and after?
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    1nicetrd Well-Known Member

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    Wanted to try something new. I have a ton of old logs of oil pressure to compare to. So once this motor is past break in i'll probably post a side by side.

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