ROH SHIFT-R's all round :D
close weekend this weekend i nearly wrote my car off twice in as many days. day one. going to visit my parents who live in a rural area, single...
bought mine from an importer in brisbane. guy before me asked him to find an auto and a manual and so the importer got one of each and the dude took...
love the black top. since driving me AE82 twincam i always thought the 4AGE's needed a 6speed. after getting the BZR i know they need it. great...
my bzr is stock and i have to go around most speed bumps or atleast over them at an angle. does that make me a ricer?
trueno does anybody else have a 1997 Toyota AE111 Sprinter Trueno BZR Superstrut?
ur 16's look sweet. im only going 17's cos i'v got heaps of space in the arch's. probly run potenza g3's on em' cos i'v got those on my AE82...
sweet i got it off without braking it. which is handy being an imported car.
why polish it? just go get a set of 17" black deep dish 6 spokers with a chrome lip:cool:
How does that come off??? Hey i just bought myself a 97 AE111 Trueno BZR and i need to change the cd player. only problem is there's no sign of...
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