with your subs.. did u also replace stock speakers? or is runnin a toyota corolla s 6 speaker stock audio setup with my replaced into pioneer deck...
im pretty sure you blew ur sub
want to buy subs soon... ok i have a stock speakers, my stereo is swapped to a pioneer deh7600 that i put in myself some time ago. anyway, i want...
i have cs.. but only 1.6... sigh
wow.. some of you are lucky. here in san jose california its 3.27 avg
jampa juice... they are blended fruit smoothie type drinks. pretty good. i like banana berry and orange a-peel. at starbucks i dont really like...
98 prizm headlight and corolla headlight are they the same? my brother has a 98 prizm thats cracked. can i just purchase the same model corolla...
1984 here. and yes i did smile at some of those because i did a lot of em
well either way, now it seems myspace has disabled the code from all tracker sites. theres no way around it yet it seems.
as has mine... hmm. I don't think it's that accurate. it shows just about the same ip for whoever visits also.
so using this... whoever views my profile... they won't have any idea that this profile snoop code is in my myspace.. correct?
doesnt 60k service mean he is about 60k miles... ?
You grew up in the hood? Well I believe that since the word nigga is derived from the derogatory word ******, people should watch what the hell...
Like Motorcycles? Like the Graun Turismo series? Polyphony Digital, the developers of Gran Turismo are developing a game for motorcycles... Tourist...
lol so photoshopped, looks like it was derived from a BMW x5 or x3
hahaha funny where is that? i wonder.
lol that rx8 was as stock as u can get outta those cars... i guess thats the point huh? haha
jesus that orange rx7 is ugly
No mine is ok. nothing ever has been faulty with it.
I got Cingular and the Sony Ericsson Z500a [img]
Separate names with a comma.