sure, disregard the most common cause of bad gas mileage and blame the RIMMZZZZ lol.. how bout blaming the driver?
sure, i can do that :) i'll get it on google vids asap
oh i drove the street today with em ;) and yeah, treadwear 40 :D they're race compound so much more heat tolerant than an autocross compound.. this...
18's really are not all that crazy on that year of corolla, but i think checking tire pressure is more important, and double check alignment and the...
my new rubber pix no five six que [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img]
lol guess you dont remember (or were around) for my S8N days
lol me either.. although i'm sure there's a few people who wish i WOULD leave lol
that is one disgustingly huge sig there prizmatic..
get out of my thread already ya leg humping ass-pirate.
RS-T future?? you a member of Nabisco ( ?
<br /> i think yellow is more commonly found in the rainbow than white, ya fag.
no actually i'm not on crack.. notice the ? in my post? :sigh:
looks like it's gods way of telling you not to paint your brake drums :D sorry that happened man... you gotta watch these distracted drivers..
look at celica CAI's slight modification should yield good results.?
i think you're missing the point.
tell that to
coming from you, all i can do is LAUGH at your comment..
i'm not hating, i'm trying to save his car. and they will NOT look like that in real life, those are about 19" in diameter. the perspective is...
hehe they're pointer cones
Separate names with a comma.