sorry for the long reply, not too into pacesteller, I'm located in mn
its a 94 corolla 5spd
header ?.. I know already,,,search right. Well i just wanted to know whats a good company now these day that i could still get header for 1.6 rolla....
3 to 4spd auto blow out my 3spd and want to put in a 4spd. Want to know what else is need besides the new tranny.
Just stick with the us spec 4ages and you be find. pretty easy swap and parts arent hard to find if you know where to go. club4ag is a good place for...
Yea but you had someone reporgrame you ecu to work with your 4ag. If you could hook us all up it be very cool
It makes no really different in which ecu you used the only thing that i have seen it that the ceilca st ecu makes less hp but has a better fuel...
kool thanks for the reply
Quck ?'s All corolla springs will work same on prizm? Aso the bumper lights from corlla will fit on prizm corect? Will lowering springs from 88-90...
Dont want to convert it to a 4spd. that measn i need to get the harness and control module and all the other stuff. If do change it i just keep the...
fluid is ok and everthing works. I just not sure if its the tranny or not becuase it drives fine. Its just when you put it in reverse it has problems.
Tranny 92 corolla wiht 170000 miles. Tranny is has problem reversing. When put in Drive it goes but when in reverse it seems to not wat to move, It...
Hey if your willing to come to mn and bring all ur auto stuff. You can take all them manual stuff off of mine.
to bad you live too far away. i take it for a few bucks.
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