well he wrote an "S" and not a "5" on the ticket. It's not showing up on their system YET. Going to have to see..by the end of this week....
speeding ticket if they somehow manage to write the wrong license plate number, are you still obligated to pay the ticket fine?
yes, it comes with the exact filter i gave the part no. for. and rolla ryder, i dont need the filter anymore, i got it from my local autozone for...
lol @ upset. you seriously think i was 'upset' over something like this? anyway, i dont recall saying she was great looking. she isn't fugly,...
he has pics of his hand for his gf. i wasn't even talking to you, thanks.
lol dude, stop hatin on her already. you say she's ugly like you can get a girl that looks cuter than her. anyway.... VERY NICE CAR.....
i dont know about you but if something is increasingly being linked to be the cause of certain cancers... i wouldn't care about the price hike.
sure, wouldnt hurt ..
i'll get back to you on that...if its the same exact filter :D
yeep thats the one that came with the el proto cai.. im not sure about the injen sri filters..
got the part # for it.
i can cook :P i dont always eat out but its nice to know that i can eat a bit healthier..
looks a lot better. great job!!
i mean the ride as far as cornering. was there a noticeable change in roll between the two sways? i couldnt find this. could you help me ?
lol... i'd rather pay a bit more for healthier food.
^ did you install yourself? i wanna know how hard it was. also, how is the ride compared to hotchski? i hear whitelines are softer ride than...
yeah well, that's NY for ya ;) hate it or love it.
im glad they banned it
^ do you use front fender support by any chance?
im gonna buy me an emblem...i dont like the look of that empty hole there on the grille
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