see we can't exactly do that.. well we could but then how do you expect to gert new members... :
I think he said 'let' but I could be wrong... any ways.. looks good boss killer...
also he only ever shows up here to sell.... that should make peeps think too :)
hehe I remember that thing... yellow and shitty looking.. not an ELP..
nope I'm going to edit the post... and If I remember correctly 05WRX is already on OUR sellers list... from a coupple of months ago...
MmMmM Horse Grenades
actually I think you can hold them resposable for it... they should have put it on your front door not on the trunk of your car... its there...
yeah so...
now theres a scam we all could fall for.. ;)
hehe.. bad ass case... quite as hell, I think I'm offically out of my side window phase, but I'm still trying to figure out how to light up...
are you drunk??? any whoo.. that looks bad ass. love the 02 with a lip... looks great
I <3 my new case!!! so my old computer case caused an almost catostrophic frying of my new computer today... don't ask powerswitch went wacky...
hummmm that leads me to believe that I may not trust that on a vvt-i motor... but who knows... :)
thats true... :) everybody likes a trophy, but I'd honstly rather have the applauds of friends, and others than some trophy... :) but remind me to...
[IMG] I'm a sucker for a good clean 5 spoke... :)
see.. my feeling about car shows is not what the judges say but what your peers and the show visitors say... (to use an old saying) its not wether...
some one else lost a wheel too last week can't remember who... sheared off at the hub... kinda cool NOT!!!
HIghly doutful... I think that the only real similarity is the motors...
hehe you can thank me forthe bad ass pic of her... :)
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