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News Reinstate the draft?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by DaCubanSkillz, Nov 19, 2006.


Should the draft be reinstated?

Yes 0 vote(s) 0.0%
No 1 vote(s) 100.0%
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    DaCubanSkillz Active Member

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    Reinstate the draft?

    Says Rangel proposed this year to mandate military service for all men and women between 18 to 42. Apparently it got no where. However, now he wants to propose a draft next year.
    so do you think they should reinstate it? Lets say they go past the age of 26 like he wanted this year...would you still agree with it?
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    Fgca_rolla milky cocopuffs

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    This issue comes up once every year or so and never goes anywhere.
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    Vibe New Member

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    if you were former military, are you exempt from the draft?
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    Barnacules 100101101011011

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    DrunkSaru Unsuspecting Poo Flinger

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    who said "yes"???????
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    e_andree E

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    Nah, doesnt seem that its needed either
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    DaCubanSkillz Active Member

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    if a person is former military, i think they'd go after them since they already have their traning and what not..but thats just my guess.

    In the article, someone from the military did say we were short on troops. But this guy wants to reinstate the draft to prevent us from going to war in the future.

    Before, the draft didn't happen because it never got anywhere withe Republicans. Now that the Democrats rule the house, they plan on trying with them, which may bye in favor of Rangel.

    Read the article tho. He wants to do this so that they think twice about going to war again in the future. And it never went anywhere with the Republicans. But he may have more support now from the Democrats. so it may have never gone anywhere but next year is a different story...
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    01rollas New Member

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    if you are former military they come to you first and then they go from there but the majority sent is reservist go first and then active for example right now its 16 reservist and 4 active = 20 thats an example of how it usually works unless the entire batallion or division is going, etc. I may be in the military right now but i would not reinstate the draft. I feel its the right of the civilian if they want to join or not. not the government, for those of you who know, you know what i am talking about when it comes down to "tip of the iceberg".
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    DaCubanSkillz Active Member

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    If it was up to the civilians, the gov't would not get anyone to join. I guess this is just one of the things you have to understand when being a US Citizen.

    I read www.sss.gov last night and it says, that although they pick you to be drafted, you still have to go through a physical, mental and moral test. Therefore, if you fail, you don't go.
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    e_andree E

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    That doesnt make sense though.
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    01rollas New Member

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    i am a U.S Citizen, and just don't believe what that says because if it was true other sevice members i know would not be in the military including the Marine Corps, Air Force, Army, Navy, even the Coast Guard, the only way they would really ltake a good look at if is if you are going, RECON, RANGER, SEALS, DELTA FORCES,etc. i know so many military members that should not have been enlisted at all but the gov does what they have to, to get a new service member. Ask someone who has gone to MEPS (Military Entrance Processing Station) that is where they tell you if they go or not, but since the military is hurting especially the Marine Corps ( Enlisted Personnel such as myself ) and the Army (Officer Personnel) they are extending contracts and and giving bonuses for those who are in right now.According to rank of course.Right now the gov is willing to do anything but we'll wait and see. I just highly doubt its going to go through.If you really think about it its still your choice. the MC has its good and bad days like anything else and in true honesty its easy, its just what you make of it.You have to learn to work together in the long run.

    forget what side says what truth lies with those who know and are in. it can hurt you or it can help you just need to pay attention and its good to go.
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    DaCubanSkillz Active Member

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    He said, by implementing a draft it would create a reason to think twice about going to war. he said something about Congress would think twice knowing their kids can be and will be drafted if we go to war. Therefore, we it would prevent us from going to war. His reasoning for a draft and what the SSS states are two totally different things.

    Like you said, it makes no sense, but thats what he wants to do. Maybe thats the reason why he got nowhere with his previous proposals.

    Enlisting in the military should definately be left up to the individual. I was talking about being drafted. I thought you said that the person should choose if they want to be drafted or not.
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    Vibe New Member

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    it's gonna be a pain the ass for the service members to have to work with draftees who do not really want to be there and will just boggle shit down..
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    Fgca_rolla milky cocopuffs

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    I think when that individual in the military said we are short on troops he was referring to the actual troop level involved, not how many troops are enlisted. It has been a common idea that more than 140-160,000 troops need to be deployed in the conflict. Oddly enough this story is on CNN right now: http://www.cnn.com/2006/POLITICS/11/20/us.iraq.ap/index.html. It talks about how we have three options in Iraq...increase troop levels (which I believe is what you were refering to), decrease numbers but stay longer, or pull out all together.

    Personally I don't ever remember the Dems getting behind the draft for what ever purposes. Rangel's idea would never work, regardless of what its intention is. Why would you want a draft as a preventative notion? It might...MIGHT...work right now at this very second where we have a liberal control of Congress, but in 12 years then what? We could have another neo-con Administration that is backed by a conservative Congress again and since the draft is on the books--well lets just say it wouldn't discourage a war.

    Also, we still have a very conservative Supreme Court. If you want to argue that conservatives won't get behind a draft then it would never get past the realms of "constitutional." You have to remember Congress only has 1/3 of the power.

    Yeah, right now this war is very unpopular and it seems not too many wars where the draft has been involved have been incredibly popular (well at least one's from 1950+). Having unmotivated people being drafted and placed in a situation where they have no desire to be won't help your cause on any level. You're only as strong as your weakest link.
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    Paolino SolidTuned

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    I do not want to serve with anyone who despises being there, did not choose to be there, and might jsut do anything to get out of there regardless of the safety of the individuals around them...
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    DaCubanSkillz Active Member

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    You have a point. Another thing is, how many kids now a days actually register with the SSS when they turn 18? If I'm not mistaken, thats against the law. So how many kids are gonna be punished? Plus, like you said, they'd do whatever they can to get out of it. I think it would just cause more issues then there already are.
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    Vibe New Member

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    yeah, i should know thats what gonna happen because i've worked with people who didnt want to be there. my 'radio shack' was undermanned enough as it is and we have to man it 24/7 and we had to waste one of our guys to be put on suicide watch for some moron.
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    gridjockey Well-Known Member

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    have you heard there's a poverty draft allready

    a compulsary draft is stupid . with a large number of high school grads and not enough work to go around the first thing you consider is the military or be a bum. most kids that don't have a good family support base and some money aren't gonna be going to college real soon. those recruitors work real hard in neighborhoods that are poor. i'm a vietnam vet and no i was not drafted. i had enough common sense to join the air force before receiving a draft notice. working for minimum wage at the time wasn't gettin it. so i guess that the poverty draft is been around for a long time.
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    Paolino SolidTuned

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    What's SSS? [scratches head]

    Never mind. Looked it up. lol "Selective Service System"
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    01rollas New Member

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    very true but as it stands the gov will do just about anything to get a new civilian and turn them into the military.I hear it all the time for individuals who do not want to be there and some do things that you actually are afraid for them.

    seems and is true IMO till today even. So many Marines do this all the time and i see and work with them and just hear the endless stories but we do our best to deal with what we got.
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    JLee TD05 3SGTE

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    Sorry if I'm a little blunt here...but it was their choice to join.
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    Fgca_rolla milky cocopuffs

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    I've known a few people that joined pre 9/11 days for the education oppurtunities and such and when they were recruited they were told they would never end up in a combat situation. So yes, it was their choice, but it was their only option to better their lives.

    Also, I think there is somewhat of a misunderstanding what war is actually like. When we grow up we see movies that glorify battle and hear how glorious it is to be involved. Its a complete different scenerio when you are faced with an actual combat situation.

    Hope this makes sense...i'm pretty drunk...lol..
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    01rollas New Member

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    I'm talking about if they reinstate the draft but even then people who are in admit they did the wrong choice due to some differences. they had a different perception before and some say its jus rapidly changes after enlistment, but back on topic i was talking about if the draft is reinstated.
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    Prodigy3006 Rubber Man

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    hell no. HELL no!
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    DaCubanSkillz Active Member

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    There's a new article. States that Rangel's proposal will unlikely be approved. It also states that we have enough volunteers should something major happen, which means there is no need for a draft. They do want to step up on recruiting though.

    One 20yr old said if there was ever a draft, he would rather risk going to jail because he feels that no one should be made to go. Another said he wouldn't argue it since his father did two tours and what not.
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    e_andree E

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    Oh well. They should have thought a little harder about it before joining.
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    DaCubanSkillz Active Member

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    This is true. One of my wife's high school buddies decided he'd enlist once out of high school. And then he realized that he shouldn't have done it. By then, he already signed paperwork to be a marine. His recruiter told him that if he left, he'd ruin his credit and pretty much make his life a living hell.

    My brother-in-law (actually, both of them) who are former Marines, both spoke to him and told him that the recruiter can't do that just because he changed his mind. But this recruiter got him so spooked that he went through with it. So his years in the marines were miserable for him.

    I'm not saying all recruiters are like this but if some of htem are, then I can't always put the blame on the person enlisting, if they were to change their mind.
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    01rollas New Member

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    yep. that is why you make the best of it. i actually like it.

    Its against the UCMJ, i know that for a fact. if anything like that is to ever happen to anyone you have the right to call the HQ of that station and report it.
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    DaCubanSkillz Active Member

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    It may be against rules, but it does happen. Thats what my brother-in-laws were trying to tell the kid. They actually ran a story not long ago about local recruiters doing things they shouldn't just to get kids to enlist. They said they were trying to crack down because it as an issue in my area.
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    01rollas New Member

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    its an issue everywhere, my recruiter tried to do that to a another civilian, when i was on recruiters assistance, i told him that if he did that i would turn him in, ever since that me and my recruiter don't talk anymore, on the side, but on work its all professional only. this happend less than a year ago.

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