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Going to test drive the new Jetta 2.0T tomorrow

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Paolino, Oct 8, 2006.

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    DeebsTundra Big Tires :)

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    Yes, usually it's given to you over a yearly term. Most agreements are between 12-15k miles per year.

    I was also not a good candidate for leasing. I bought the truck out-right due to the fact I knew I could never keep to the lease mileage. ...they were prepared to give me 14k miles a year...and in the first year, I put 26k miles on the Tundra. ...you do the math for 12k extra miles at $.32 a mile, or whatever the cost is. Not worth it to me.
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    taxableabe Long time lurker

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    07 E63 AMG, 07 STi Limited #606/800
    wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats a lot of cash if you did go over

    imagine if i leased!!!! omg 100*365= 36,500 lol dayum im over 16,500 at 15,000 per year
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    DeebsTundra Big Tires :)

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    Ha, well you have to you think, you aren't going to drive 100 miles EVERY single day. ...I drive on average 60 miles a day. The reason I say average, is because the 5 days a week I drive 65...and the 2 days a week I drive 40...holidays, days I may not have to work...days I have absolutely NOTHING to do...and then days where I drive 150-200 miles.
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    taxableabe Long time lurker

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    07 E63 AMG, 07 STi Limited #606/800
    ya, but i actually do average 100 miles per day. lol
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    Paolino SolidTuned

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    Ok so now I feel like the biggest ass in the world. :(

    I got my hopes up but the dealer just called back and said it would be like 12% interest. :O
    That's ok. I'm not giving up. Going to save as much as I can and hopefully add my tax return for a nice down payment in early '07. :meh:
    My roommate has also expressed interest in purchasing my vehicle privately.

    I have to say once you drive that GLI, you're hooked. I was worried about how fast it would be being something like 700 lbs heavier than my Corolla, but you don't even notice it really. :)

    Anyway, my bad for posting up that I was gonna buy something and couldn't end up doing it. (I fully intended to walk out with one) I was sooo close. :)
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    laz Member

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    Don't give up hope, and also look at carsdirect.com , edmunds.com , and other online places. Even try to get quotes from other dealerships, and look online for deals.

    I am sure you can get it for cheaper through other means.


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    e_andree E

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    Youre saying that you threw away that 12,500 in payments...I dont see it as a waste. You sold the car in the end. If you had just kept the car, youd prob still have it, and youd would OWN the car. Youll never own a car with a lease, and youll ALWAYS have a car payments.
    And Im not saying that real estate isnt an investment. I have my real estate license....I know what money is available out there. I sold my townhouse in 2005 and made close to 300k.
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    laz Member

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    In my case, I sold the car but it was atalmost the same expense of leasing with more hassle (2 months trying to sell it and wasting time showing it to wannabe buyers). And yes I owned it, but it is not the same as owning an investment. I say I wasted 12,500 because when I sold it I did not get any of that back. The same can be said of reals estate if it a bad investment, but the odds are that you will loose money on a car regardless. Some cars do hold their value better than others, but the car business is so cutthroath that you will never make money unless you are in the business of selling cars.

    Buying a car if you use it a lot, or if you are going to run it to the ground is better than leasing, but if you think you are not going to keep it more than 6 years, then it is almost a waste of money.

    So I did not waste 12,500, it cost me 12,500 to use my car for 6 years, and that is not counting other expenses (tires, maintenance, etc) that I can surely make that number closer to 20 G's.

    Now it cost me less than 10 K's for 3 years, and I did not invest anything else but gas on the altima.

    So that is how I see it.


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