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News Airport Security: Should Muslims be profiled?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by e_andree, Aug 27, 2006.


Should Muslims be profiled at Airports?

Poll closed Nov 25, 2006.
YES 0 vote(s) 0.0%
NO 7 vote(s) 100.0%
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    e_andree E

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    Airport Security: Should Muslims be profiled?

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    Legit01Rolla Active Member

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    i think yah....i hate them killers
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    jtweezy New Member

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    Irving, TX
    yeah in order to save thousands of lives...yeah...
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    Mayur Biggest trd whore in the whole wide world

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    Why should they profile a certain race just because of the war? Im not muslim and my nationality has had alot of tension between muslim people. I think they should just beef up the security alot more than to just profile one group. Next thing you know, the terrorists will have their skin color changed just like micheal jackson lol. What will you do then? Oh just another white guy, let him through and make sure he doesnt get hassled.
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    jtweezy New Member

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    Everybody's gonna get hassled...just more attention to others....
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    e_andree E

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    Just for the record, Middle Eastern Muslims dont count for the majority of the worlds population.

    Im really on the fence about this issue. I have an opinion on what they SHOULD do based on my morals, but I can also realize what the reality of the situation is.

    In regards to your question about why they should profile a certain background because of the war....well, it really has nothing to do with the war. Groups like Al Qaida have put the US as a target for many many years......and you can deny it all you want, but Muslims have been responsible for the majority of the terrorism all around the world in the past.

    Problem with all of this is that since Muslims were involved, people begin to assume that ALL MUSLIMS are terrorists, where as that is as far from the truth as you can get.
    I think its pretty ridiculous for someone to sit down on a subway or something next to a man of Middle Eastern decent and automatically assume that they are part of a terrorist cell. The chances of any of you actually crossing paths with a terrorist is close to nill. There are 1.4 BILLION muslims on Planet Earth.

    Switching tracks here, if we were to start strictly profiling Muslims in the US, wouldnt most Muslims not take offense to it, since they are in the same shoes as us and would most likely want to remain safe themselves??? There should be some sort of compromise throughout all of this. I think there should be come compromise in regards to Americans views on Patriot Act (those that oppose it).

    Couple of questions for you to ponder:
    Is it not true that the MAJORITY of Muslims are not involved in terrorism?
    Is it true that the MAJORITY of terrorists are Muslims?
    If there were a study that showed that racial profiling completely stopped terrorism, would you be for it or against it?
    -Would you still want it even though other Americans rights were being violated?
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    fishexpo101 Get Some

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    Very sticky question. Should airport security concentrate on Muslims? One problem is how to separate Muslims from others (can't just profile middle eastern people, which would be easiest, Muslims are spread over many races). If you did, end up with the racial segregation hat happened in :what:II again (remember all the Japanese decendants being locked up during the war, how come they didn't do that with other Axis powers, Germans and Italians??) Profiling any one race/religion will open up a whole can or worms and may be entirely ineffective.

    Very easy to pick out a race and blame them - humanity in general are inherently prejudice of other races, up to each individual to buildup his/her understanding and tolerance of other races. Thing that people have to grasp is that terrorism is not bound by just race or religion or particular theater (area of war). How far should be go to protect this country? How far is enough, too little or too much?
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    rolla02 Corollalcholic

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    No, cause you never know who is gonna do the next dumb thing. But then in some way they do it a little. Every time I go to a airport I get profiled cause I look arabic.
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    Mayur Biggest trd whore in the whole wide world

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    I will not disagree that most terrorist groups are muslim but still. I know alot of Africans (not African Americans but real Africans) that are muslim. They come to our restaurant (most of them are taxi drivers) and they are pretty nice people. It is kind of hard to explain but I still do not think that muslims should be profiled. I think everyone should have to go through a strict security process. There are other terrorist groups around the world that hate America. It always has happened and always will happen. You just cant be safe anymore.
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    e_andree E

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    Majority of Muslims descend from Africa as a matter of fact....Egypt, Algeria, Sudan,etc

    I was waiting for someone to mention this......some dont even realize who our enemy is.
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    Fgca_rolla milky cocopuffs

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    Lol, you just made vvt-i feel like homework.

    I saw something about a group of (I want to say british) special troops that work air ports that don't look at the persons race when determining a person of interest, so to speak. They spend more time studying individual mannerisms of the flyers in the air port. They look for things like people looking down trying not to draw attention to themselves while most people stare up at the boards for flight info. Just little things that would seperate the avg. flyer from some one who could ligitametly be a terrorist.

    I like the approach of those soldiers, but I wonder just how acurate that is. However, the same question of accuracy can be addressed with regards to racial profiling.
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    frignuts New Member

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    I say if a profile works, use it. Seeking out and searching individuals who appear to be muslim or arabic seems like discrimination. This may very well be. The bottom line is if the profile works (meaning there is a significant percentage of people profiled who turn out to be danerous) it should be used.
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    e_andree E

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    Switch the scenario around......say you were the one being profiled. WOuld you be against it?

    I hope that all the people that said YES are not the ones complaining about being profiled in their cars.
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    TurismoDreamin ΓΡΗΓΟΡΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ

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    I say no. I don't like being profiled and I think its unfair for others to deal with it as well. Plain n simple. You can't profile because its not only the muslims that have animosity to americans, and I like what fishexpo said bout you don't kno who's gonna do the next dumb thing. After 9/11, a white kid took a cessna airplane and crashed it into a building in Florida..prime example (cuz its the only example I can think of right now since its 7:47am, lol). In my nursing classes, they always reiterate that "you must never be focused on any one single detail because doing so will prevent you from seeing the big picture". Altho Muslims have set themselves a bad reputation with Americans, they still need to be treated like people. I mean I hate it when people come to conclusions because im asian. I think that shows ignorance. (I hate it when people think that Asians come from a certain country...didn't we learn that Asia is a continent and not a country, lol, therefore the term Asian is a generalization for a cluster of races) Yet, we all come to these conclusions anyway, people think Middle Easterners n conclude that they own a gas station or some kinda business, Asian and you own a nail shop, Black and you eat chicken, Mexican and you build my house, whatever, yet it seems out of the ordinary to anyone to go to the doctors office and see that your doctor is Mexican cuz usually thats reserved for Asians and Middle Easterners and White who have rich families. See, we can come to conclusions everyday but its not gonna help the situation, even in a time of such chaos. They already have the patriot act, no need to infiltrate on any more public decencies. There are plenty of Muslims that I kno of that are very very successful and prosperous and just want to live a relaxing life and im sure they dont appreciate being hassled. Just because of their appearance and religious orientation, should not mean they should be treated any differently than any christian, catholic, mormon, etc...
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    Barnacules 100101101011011

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    Duvall, WA
    Sure.... Profile away!

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