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News What are your thoughts...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by DaCubanSkillz, Jul 20, 2006.

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    DaCubanSkillz Active Member

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    Arlington, VA/North Bergen, NJ
    What are your thoughts...

    Should the government mind their own business when it comes to the war in Lebanon? Or do you feel they should get involved?
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    e_andree E

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    Well, Rice is already headed over there to help out in the peacekeeping efforst, along with the UN. As of right now, I think its premature to send in US troops. This situation has been boiling for YEARS, and Hizbollahs actions just made it all run over. Israel did what they had to do.
    This entire situation is Syria and Irans faults.

    Oh, and Im sick of the footage. We've been live with this coverage 24/7 since last Wednesday. Got in 65 hours last week....and its only Thursday with 3 more shifts left this week and Im already at 60 hours for THIS week. Gonna hit about 85 for this week it looks like.

    Doubletime on 40 hours is gonna be NICE though......
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    gotarheels03 New Member

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    There is very little the U.S. can do to bring peace to the region. Hezbollah, Hamas, the Palestinians, and Arab states aren't going to listen to us. We are Israel's strongest ally, so as long as we support them we will be seen as the enemy by Islamic extremists. I'm highly cynical regarding any mideast peace deal we try to help broker. Prejudice against Jews has persisted throughout history (a millenia maybe?) and its no different today in much of the world.

    This conflict is not something that we can end. In fact, unless the cycle of indoctrinating hate among the youth of both sides ends the conflict will continue. The only other way would be if Arab states finally suceeded in completely destroying Israel. As long as the Israeli military is strong there is no chance of that happening thankfully.

    In my mind their is one central issue and it centers around anti-semitism. Several arab states arent shy about publicly advocating the destruction of Israel and the Jews, and they dont recognize Israel's existence. In the eyes of some the Jews stole their land when Israel was formed, and so all of Israel must be taken back. Israel is surrounded by Nations and militant groups who would like nothing better than to see them destroyed, which in my opinion means negotiation cant work. I believe Any negotiations that actually occur are mere formalities aimed at appeasing the western world.

    How can you negotiate with those who's goal is to wipe you off the map? I find it amusing that the international community calls for "Israeli restraint." and worries of civilian casualties. This is a war, and innocent people will unfortunately die. Furthermore, Hezbollah, Hamas etc. often fortify themselves in homes and residential areas, then use civilian casualties as propaganda and to make Israel look bad.

    The thing is, this isn't a mere game for Israel, its survival. I often hear people criticize Israels use of force, especially in regards to the current escalation of violence and here what I think.

    What would you propose Israel do? Sit there while they're being shelled by Hezbollah at the Israeli/Lebanese border? Sit there while suicide bombers continue to stream into the country and blow themselves up in crowded marketplaces? What can they do with people who publicly sponsor the destruction of Israel and of all Jews? You can't negotiate with such people. No concessions by Israel will ever be enough for the Arabs. Israel withdrew unilateraly from Gaza and other territories last summer, and now Hezbollah is attacking them from the very area they left. Israels most effective, and essentially only effective weapon of defense is force. Without force they would cease to exist.

    Compare the current situation to Canadians coming across our border, ambushing and kidnapping 2 of our marines and then wanting to "negotiate" for land. Put bluntly, do you think Americans would give a shit if the International community was urging us to "show restraint" and NOT go all out to get our men back and punish those responsible?

    Its horrible that Lebanon is being bombed, and definately a touchy scenario when Israel is bombing the hell out of another sovereign nation because of exremists operating within it. That said, the Lebanese government is somewhat to blame here. They've allowed Hezbollah to operate with complete autonomy in southern Lebanon for YEARS. Since they're allowing Hezbollah to lob bombs over the border into Isreali cities, Isreal had to take action. It is up to each arab state to control these terrorist groups. That is, of course assuming that this is what Arabs / Palestinians would like to see done. Sometimes I think I'm wrong, but I sincerely hope the attitudes and political positions of these extremist groups does not speak for the majority, and I don't think your average palestinian is OK with the suicide bombings. You just don't hear that because of the power of Hamas.

    In lebanon, Hezbollah are MUCH stronger than the Lebanese government. The lebanese military would stand no chance against them, which is why I think, above all else, it is a war that must ultimately be solved with education and a change in ideology. That doesnt seem all too realistic however, given the length of the conflict and the history of worldwide anti-semitism.

    As for Iran and Syria and their supplying of terrorists with weapons. I don't know what should/can be done. Sanctions are a waste of time and only hurt the people and breed hatred of the west in sanctioned countries. The UN? They lack enforcement power, and the U.S. lacks the military capabilities to consider troop deployment.

    It will be a scary day if Iran gets nukes. They'll give them to the extremists, and if one goes off in Israel all hell will break lose and we'll be powerless to stop it.
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    Cuztomrollaz98 MAD VLAD!

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    I think the U.S is got enough to deal with right now, I don't think Bush should go trying to look like a hero again and risk more lifes and start more conflict for this country, that's all.
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    e_andree E

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    I fail to see how Bush has ever tried to be seen as the "hero". Many countries are considering urging both sides to start peacekeeping efforts, not just the US
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    Cuztomrollaz98 MAD VLAD!

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    well other than that point I don't think the U.S should send troops over
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    bigsweezey New Member

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    I'm not so keen on sending troops in, but I think we should let Israel handle there business. You know if mexico or canada started shooting rockets at random places in the US we would be defining shock and awe. But we're the world police and we're the only one who can attack/blow crap up and it's justified.
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    e_andree E

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    ????? If we started shooting at Mexico, we'd be urged by other countries to initiate a cease fire as well.

    There is far more involved here than just "shooting at eachother across the borders"
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    magnem44 The Magnificent

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    The US really doesnt have any troops to send theyre all in iraq.
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    bigsweezey New Member

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    We wouldn't listen to anyone else....just like iraq. I would be all for a cease fire....but who's gonna be held responsible since hezbala<sp?> isn't much more than a terrorist group. I understand it's alot more involved, but I am still learning.

    Reguardless....after 2008 I think our stance on alot of things will chance. I think the dem's are gonna be running it.
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    DeebsTundra Big Tires :)

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    Honestly...and I do mean very honestly:

    Let them blow the sh!t out of each other.
    Cease-fire = "We'll just blow each other up later."

    Let 'em go down in a flame now, rather than later.
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    TurismoDreamin ΓΡΗΓΟΡΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ

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    Simple...yet well said...

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