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Broken interior door handle

Discussion in 'Interior' started by CaptainCorolla, Jul 19, 2006.

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    CaptainCorolla Thread Captain

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    Broken interior door handle

    How hard is it to remove the interior door handle and replace it? Do I have to replace the entire unit (actual handle lever, outside bezel, etc) or just the handle? The actual handle/lever is the only broken piece (I think). When I remove these pieces, is something springloaded in there? I hate to remove a part (to get a closer look) and then find something springs out, never to be found again. It seems something would be springy, since when I pull the handle (when it works right) and let go; it springs back against the door. I wouldn't want to start on this project late on a weekday evening, then be unable to finish it because it's complex, or I don't have a part.

    I couldn't find answers to these questions when I searched the forums, although it looks like I am not the first one with this problem.
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    JspeXAE102 Well-Known Member

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    It's replaced as a unit itself, they sell it on ebay. If you have a junkyard nearby you could just gank one.

    to replace just unscrew the center screw, push forward (toward front of vehicle) and pull out, then use a flathead to pop out the metal rod from the clip. It's really straight forward.

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