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Optimum speed (maximize mpg) for corolla?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by kghose, Jun 23, 2006.

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    kghose New Member

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    Optimum speed (maximize mpg) for corolla?


    The EPA has a generic graph for optimum speed (to maximize mpg) here (http://www.fueleconomy.gov/feg/driveHabits.shtml).

    Does any one know of an official publication (EPA or Toyota) that lists this curve for a corolla 2002, and suggests a specific optimum speed given this model?

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    fishexpo101 Get Some

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    Northern Virginia
    As far as I know - there is no official study done on the 8th gen Corollas. I wouldn't consider the EPA testing for city/highway MPG numbers for the 8th gen Corolla an
    realistic study - as they operate the vehicle in conditions that are unrealistic to begin with.

    Usually in the testing of the sample vehicle - one test driver, no extra equipment, no additional accessory usage, temperature controlled test. Specific acceleration, deceleration, and idling according to a preset test matrix (average "city" speed about 20 MPH and average "highway" speed 48 MPH).

    Usually the city numbers are from a 11-mile course to be completed within 31 minutes, has 23 stops, and around 18% of the total time spent just idling.

    Usually the "highway" portion is a 10-mile course, no stops and max speed of 60MPH).

    Also, they don't even use pump gas - they use a special laboratory fuel called indolene

    Best source would be forums such as these - I've heard reports that some can hit mid to high 40s in the CITY (9th gen Corolla, 5-speed, OEM tires). Most of the 8th and 7th gen people have seen max MPG at 50-55 MPH - still only around the 40 MPG mark or lower. The optimum MPG for your particular car would be different from others - it would be nice if you could set your cruise control to some XX MPH and get max fuel economy - but it is sometimes not that simple. Speed is only one aspect or many that you have to be aware of that could impact your overall fuel economy.
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    1337Rolla oh my

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    on my 02 I'd imagine the best mileage is as slow as I can go in 5th, which is 45mph

    I bet you could exceed 40mpg if you held that speed long enough
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    kghose New Member

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    Thanks fishexpo101! -kg
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    UKO Jon

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    Lawrence, KS
    I got about 35-38 in the city and usually around 40-42 once I get to speed on the highway(75-80mph).
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    j0x_rolla New Member

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    tyler, tx
    i rock 27-32 mpg in town and close to 40 mpg on the highway i have an 8th gen 4spd auto on enkei 16's w/o a/c and a short ram

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