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News I seriously wonder about kids these days..

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by DaCubanSkillz, Apr 21, 2006.

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    DaCubanSkillz Active Member

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    I seriously wonder about kids these days..


    WTF is wrong with kids these days?! I'm a little torn about who to blame for kids acting like this. I can say that parents can try their hardest to be real parents and watch every little thing their kids do but if their kids want to keep things a secret, then they will.

    But then again, not all parents pay attention to what their kids do. I think they were just asking to get caught when they posted that message on MySpace.

    What do you think? parents fault? 50/50 blame on parents and kids?

    What do you think they should do to those kids? Put them behind bars for a long time or just slap them on the hand and say "don't do it again"?
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    DeebsTundra Big Tires :)

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    People blame movies, tv, video games and music for all this stupid crap teenagers are doing. Bullshit. I played Doom and Duke Nukem as a kid and have no mass murder tendancies.

    I place all this blame solely on the parents.
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    teevee247 Well-Known Member

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    Parents and society...
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    Prodigy3006 Rubber Man

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    the people at the school are very fortunate this was stopped before it occured.

    kids, STOP picking on your wierd classmates! think it in your head, but keep it out your mouth; thats how this crap gets started. these kids can only take so much shit from their peers, and their already unstable as is!
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    teevee247 Well-Known Member

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    Very well said Prodigy3006
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    vortex Well-Known Member

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    I got picked on a lot when I was in school - mainly 1-8th grade, but you didn't see me out there plotting to kill people. I got into a couple scuffles with individuals on a case by case basis but i didn't blame the world or everyone for what was going on around me. Personally these kids who band together and plot this kind of shit need to be locked away for the rest of their lives. They are a danger to themselves and to all those around them. Along with it, they should fine the living shit out of their parents... the article stated they found guns etc at one of the students homes in his room. *THAT* is a sign that the parents aren't doing their job and they should be held accountable. If the guns and such were offsite somewhere then its possible that the kids were doing this secretively and without their parents knowledge and that poses a different case. But when the stuff is going on under you nose, thats a true sign that the parents are *NOT* paying attention to what their children are doing. I know a kid who's parents pretty much don't do anything or care about anything he does... if it wasn't for the fact that he had some positive influences outside of his house that actually stayed on top of him and kept his ass out of trouble, he'd probably fall into a similar crowd and start doing pretty bad stuff. For that, I blame his parents because I see first hand that they just look the other way.
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    AtilioV New Member

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    i blam the parents
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    oppositesleeper New Member

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    i blame the kids, when your that old its up to you. if your fucked up then your fucked up. i dont think you can blame anyone anymore make the freakin kids take the responsibility instead of pushing it one everyone else. just inject em and get em over with.
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    Fgca_rolla milky cocopuffs

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    I blame the parents. Here is why. Prodigy (no offense intended by this) said that we need to lay off picking on the "weird kids," but at no point in history have the weird kids not been picked on. Whats the problem now a days? Parents are to willing to say "Oh my kid has a problem" and rather than going out and doing something constructive they put them on a regiment of meds that only make things worse. Or "My kid doesn't have a problem, but I'm going to give him riddelin and an xbox 360 just to keep him mellow." I am in no way for the "blame the video game" arguement, but when you raise a kid from the day they are born and have an xbox or playstation or pc as a babysitter why do you think your kid grows up not understanding how to deal with social interactions both constructive and deconstructive.

    You know who said the most brilliant thing about this debate ever? Marylon Manson. Mr. Blame me for your kids problems...thats right. When he was asked about this whole situation he said he would listen to the kids. Listen to what they say, give them a friend and not an xbox.
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    TurismoDreamin ΓΡΗΓΟΡΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ

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    I blame the environment...and their social ability. To me, parents are only half of the problem.
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    Wide Slip Angle New Member

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    Blame the parents. With kids, you need to stay on their case night and day. They'll hate you for that, but it's hella better than ignoring the situation. At least something will sink in.
    I remember seeing him on Bowling for Columbine. Something he said stuck in my head - iirc he said something to the effect of "how do you know that the kids weren't influenced from something on the 6 o'clock news?" You can't get away from violence. You have to establish values so that when confronted with the situation, you know what to do.

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