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03 corolla

Discussion in 'Pictures & Photography' started by jatdistribution, Apr 13, 2006.

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    Prodigy3006 Rubber Man

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    are you changing themes b/c having a kit that low just gets frustrating? it did for me, now I'm always iffy on what lip to choose for my car.
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    jatdistribution New Member

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    i had the wagon tein kit, so i raised n lowered it as much as i want.
    it wasnt that low as the picture seems, i drove like that without any problems, well the steeper drive ways and speed bumps were a major problem. but normal driving is fine.

    im changing themes because i dont want to put the same kit on the car again lol. plus painting a two full bumpers is much more $ then painting lips.

    i like the altis kit, its clean, im not going all out this time, just a clean everyday driver.

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