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Rear Sway bar end link - missing - how risky/dangerous?

Discussion in 'Stop, Drop & Roll' started by johnny657, Feb 20, 2006.

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    johnny657 New Member

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    Rear Sway bar end link - missing - how risky/dangerous?

    Hi guys,

    I've been wondering about this for a while. When i got my suspension in, about a year ago (tein s + tokico blue), the mechanic had to break off the end link on the rear right side because the weather was cold and after 8 years it became seized.

    ive been driving without it on the right side for a year now--should i bother even getting one?

    i drive a 98 btw. I cant seem to find any end links online...ive heard that the 93-97 has similar suspension to my 98, so would an end link from that generation work with my 98'?
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    sxlostv1 New Member

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    Los Angeles
    know what? my endlink broke too. its not extremely dangerous as long as you dont haul *** through turns cause the rear sway bar being gone also means understeer. but anyway, im about to put together some new ones. upgraded ones i guess. i'll let u know if they work alright. and hopefully i can gain some business here :)

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