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News Here's a good debate....i guess.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by DaCubanSkillz, Feb 16, 2006.

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    DaCubanSkillz Active Member

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    Arlington, VA/North Bergen, NJ
    Here's a good debate....i guess.

    Recently, there was an argument about tipping (delivery drivers, waiters, etc). Some of the people on the forum said they do not tip because they're getting paid to do what they do. and even if the person went out of their way to make them happy, they still won't tip them.

    Do you feel that they should be tipped? do you tip them 15 or 20%? or do you just do a dollar or two? If you wait on people or are a delivery person, do you expect them to tip you well? what are your thoughts?

    I personally go by how the service is. If a person is on top of things and is very attentive, then they'll get tipped good usually more then 15% and if the service was exceptional then 20% or more. However, I take into consideration if its really busy or not.

    Believe it or not, everytime I go back to a specific resturant, they always remember me. I've even got free drinks off of some cause they remember who I am and remembered what I drank the last time i was there. I even had one girl run out after me one time thanking me cause it was her first day there and asked if I was ever a waiter and I told her no I wasn't. But as long as the service was good, she deserved the tip. I've even had people bump into me while not at work and say whats up to me..lol.
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    TurismoDreamin ΓΡΗΓΟΡΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ

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    when im at a restaurant, I feel bad if i dont tip at least $10.....but if its like Sonic or something, i dont tip....i just pay with my card:D
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    e_andree E

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    Good tippers will be remembered.....bad tippers will be remembered too, so beware!

    I am a good tipper...usually minimum 20%
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    Paolino SolidTuned

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    RAF Molesworth, UK
    I'm the same way. I also feel bad if I don't tip well. They don't get paid enough to do what they do. That's what tips are for, to offset the fact that they do not get paid minimum wage. I normally cut the bill in half in my head and cut it in half again. So I guess I leave between 20-25%.

    I was out with some friends at Hooters once and a couple of them were laughing at the fact that they were not going to tip the waitress. There was nothing wrong with the service and she was fast. So the rest of us left her a bigger tip to offset them. I was so embarrassed; I never ate out with them again.

    If someone doesn't want to tip the waiter, etc, then they can walk their happy *** to the kitchen, order it themselves, wait on it, and bring it out to their own table. Oh they can get themselves refills too...jerks. :meh:
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    DaCubanSkillz Active Member

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    Arlington, VA/North Bergen, NJ
    I remember going to this cuban resturant in MD one time with my girl. some guys where sitting behind me and they were cool at first. Then one of the guys decided to give the waiter a hard time. He DEMANDED that he get a SAMPLE of the soup he wanted to try. He said he's been in the resturant business for a long time and all resturants give out samples of their food. After the waiter explained that their food is cooked as it is ordered, the guy flipped. Homeboy started talking **** about hispanics when he was in a cuban resturant. Thats when the other two guys told him to chill the hell out cause they were hispanic and didnt' appreciate the fact that he was downing hispanics. Not only did the guy feel stupid, but he never apologized. After all the trouble, the guy who was talking **** said he was not going to tip the waiter and since he was paying, the other guys didn't tip cause they didn't have money (thats what I overheard). Needless to say, that guy got double the tip from me to help him out since the other 3 guys didn't tip him. that was about a 45.00 tip just from me.

    And if your wondering if he ever got the sample...well he did. The guy went to the kitchen and told the chef to cook up a whole thing of soup just so the guy could get a sample. Oh and he ended up not getting the soup either. POS ended up with a completely different dish.
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    1337Rolla oh my

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    I think they should be tipped 15%, but most of the time I can't tip any because I can barely afford the food nowdays.
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    e_andree E

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    Then you should stick to fast food
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    teevee247 Well-Known Member

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    Montreal, QC
    I usually tip in the high teens... around 18~19%... if the service was great (and I mean great), i'll tip more... and in a few cases, I didnt tip at all because the waitress was just plain rude and ignorant... its as if we we're bothering her by ordering food, so she can go to hell...
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    Bulletproofswordsman JDM Oroku-Saki

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    Cape Coral, FLorida
    mcdonalds, wendys, burger king and kfc if i feel like splurging

    that about sums up my culinary options.

    im so broke :(
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    JspeXAE102 Well-Known Member

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    群馬 日本
    I'm so poor I buy my food out of trucks.
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    Prodigy3006 Rubber Man

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    polo708 New Member

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    I hate grocery baggers... they walk to your car for like 13 seconds and expect to get paid like a rock star. I used to tip baggers pretty well, but this one time this asian chick walked to my car that was in one of the first spots and unloaded like 5 bags. I gave her a dollar and she kinda smirked at me like I was cheap??

    I have one of the most stressful jobs in the world making OK money and she just made a dollar in less than 2 minutes... **** her. I should have kicked her in the teeth.
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    Paolino SolidTuned

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    Yeah that's the ONLY times that I haven't tipped (as best I can remember), is when the server looked annoyed/bothered by my business, or any having to do any work at all for that matter. :) (Normally younger in age, teens, etc.) Oh well, they'll learn.
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    Supershyguy New Member

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    I always tip 15% - 20% if the service is good.

    I still leave 10% if service is bad just cause I feel bad for not tipping
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    tunerperformance New Member

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    my girl waitresses part time and let me tell you if your nice and you tip good the next time you go back they remember you they will do you right piss them off and better look out catch an attitude real quick people who dont tip are a bunch of pricks and have no manners if you dont tip dont waist there time they get paid **** hourly and they look for tips to make up for it should always tip atleast 20% of the bill in a case where the service is shitty then you can make an excuse but if the service is good dont be a **** tip them
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    e_andree E

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    15% is minimum, regardless of service
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    Wide Slip Angle New Member

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    After 15 posts about tipping and people being dicks at restaurants and Reservoir Dogs or Waiting... hasn't come up yet?

    I tip 15%-20% for waiting, 2-3 bucks for the pizza man (although i usually pick up), the paper boy gets tipped very well around Christmas, and baggers around here aren't allowed to accept tips. When I used to be a bagger back in the day, there was this one old lady that drove a high-end luxury sedan and always had the bagger bring out her stuff. And she ALWAYS tipped big. Somehow I always worked when she came to shop :D

    And I've never heard of tipping at Mickey-D's or Wendy's, what's the ruling on that??
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    e_andree E

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    Why would you tip at fast food joints?? Theyre making regular minimum wage, and they arent doing anything a man cashier at walmart isnt doing.
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    gotarheels03 New Member

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    Hockessin, Delaware / U of D Dorms
    You seriously tip baggers?!! I used to bag at a supermarket, and I think I got tipped 3 times, usually 25-75 cents by some old lady. I never thought you were supposed to tip them anyways. We were told not to accept them, but come on, thats just rude, and who's going to turn down money?

    As far as restaurants, I always tip, usually 15% 20% if the service was excellent. and delivery drivers, I always tip them too. Even at school we tip them, at least like 75 cents to cover the gas they spent getting to us from mainstreet.

    Only time I wont tip is if the service is flat out horrible, and Ive only ever done it once. I left the woman a penny, just so she knew I didnt forget, and that she really sucked.
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    Capeside New Member

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    most of the time, if at a resaraunt, you have to remember that the workers get paid a tip-earners' wage which is about $3 and change an hour. they depend on your tips to make decent money, and with my experiences usually they deserve my money. and if the service was not up to par i try to see if they are really busy with other tables, or difficult customers, stuff like that.

    but if it was just apparent effortless service on their part, then i give them a low tip. but i still tip. if you don't tip then you don't deserve any of their service be it bad or good.

    a delivery boy is a different story. i am one, and i make 7 something an hour plus tips. i've never been stiffed on a tip, infact i usually get tipped really well. tipping isn't mandatory for delivery boys, but i know if someone didn't tip me i would be pissed. i go through a lot of sh*t to get their food to their front doors on time.
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    sxlostv1 New Member

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    Normally, I'll tip 2 bucks. If it's some bigger place, I'll tip maybe 3 bucks. But mainly it depends on the service they provide. If they treat me well, they'll get an extra dollar or 2. But if they suck, I'll give them coin change excluding quarters.
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    e_andree E

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    Youll tip 2 bucks, regardless of what your bill is? Cheapskate!!! :shutup:
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    DaCubanSkillz Active Member

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    I even tip the delivery man more then that! Usually 5 or 6 bucks! Our old delivery guy would get 10.00 cause he was quick as hell! Not only that but we knew each other cause he was delivering to us for over 3 years. But he was the only one who got 10.00. All the other delivery guys from the same spot got less cause their attitude sux'd and they weren't quick enough.
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    e_andree E

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    People that are too cheap to tip the service should stay at home and make mac and cheese
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    Barnacules 100101101011011

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    I tip completely based on my experience, not the bill. If I go to Red Robbin and my drink never hits rock bottom and the fries keep comming I will tip like $5 even if the meal was only $8. But if I go there with a buncha friends and we get ignored and don't see our food for 30 minutes then I tip $1. For me its all relative to the experience. One time I went to this Danials Broiler place in Bellevue, WA and it was the best dining experience of my life so I left a $40 tip on a $100 bill.
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    Paolino SolidTuned

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    I don't think its too much experience. I tip from the bill, mostly. If the service isn't great I still tip the minumum just because they brought my food out in the first place. I could have had to order and get it myeslf, period.
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    e_andree E

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    Man, seriously some cheap people here
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    Roxtar New Member

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    the one time i didn't tip my waitress i was at hooters. it took her over an hour after the rest of my party had gotten their food to bring me my food just as we were getting ready to leave. then i get my tab and she'd put one other guy's food on it and he'd already left. i didn't feel like dealing with clearing up the extra cost on the bill, but i made a point of writing a big $0.00 under the tip portion on the credit slip. worst service ever.
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    Fgca_rolla milky cocopuffs

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    I'll be honest. I've tipped people the amount of the bill before if they are actually on the ball and amazing. To the other extreme I've left a tip that consisted of 47 cents and a note saying they are a screw up at life. Its not that I'm cheap, but I tip upon service. Granted these people make like 2.13 an hour plus tips, but that isn't an obligation to tip amazingly. They are called servers or waitors for a reason.

    Now for the 47 cent story. My girlfriend wanted to go to Ruby Tuesdays (don't know why) so we go. We get there and our table is dirty. We don't recieve silverware/napkins what so ever. It takes our waitor 23 minutes to come and get our drink orders. About 7 minutes later we get our drinks. He takes our order. My girl got an appatizer because...I guess she was hungry. It comes out (different person brings it out) and she asks for some ketchup. We don't get it until ten minutes later when she asks another waitress. We're still waiting for ketchup/food but the second waitress finally comes back with the ketchup and gets us a drink refill. My girl points out that our waitor isn't on the ball and we get "well its season, you get what you get" IT WASN"T FREAKING BUSY. There were five tables of people split amongst 5 servers. So we finally get our food (new waitress brings it out). My food was undercooked...and well by that I mean I like meat to be medium rare to medium and this disgusted me. Our original server comes back and can't remember what drinks we had. He asked what drink I had. I told him a Dr. Pepper and he brings back a Diet Coke. My girl and I are both disgusted so we ask for TWO boxes. He brings back one. So we had four different people wait on us, all equally incompetant or rude. I would have left no tip, but 47 cents was more sarcastic. I don't care if they remember me because that was the most horrible experience at a restaurant. I've gone to McDonald's and gotten better service.

    Sorry for the rant, I just don't want yall hating me w/o hearing my side of things.
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    Wide Slip Angle New Member

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    So what's that? Take you in the back and :jerkhit: ?

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