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Anyone know anything about dogs?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Paolino, Dec 6, 2005.

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    Paolino SolidTuned

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    RAF Molesworth, UK
    Anyone know anything about dogs?

    My 1 yr old lab is normally obedient and listens to my commands. He can get hyper and ignore my commands when company shows up though. He is just too excited to listen to me when he sees someone new. I've been trying to work on that, but here's the real problem:

    Three times now he has refused to come back inside after letting him out. He wil not come, he'll run away from us, and we have to chase him around the damn shed. The worst is when I get hold of his collar. (he normally does not resist this much) He'll jerk and shake almost like throwing a fit until he pops out of his collar. If I try to grab him by his fur, he snaps at me. Basically I have to pick his ass up and take him inside. Then he's fine like nothing happened. It only happens every now and then.

    Any thoughts?
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    igorien2k New Member

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    assume all_dogs_love_walks
    assume all_dogs_love_to_eat
    assume all_dogs_love_you
    if (all_dogs_love_walks && all_dogs_love_to_eat)
    all_dogs_love_walks + all_dogs_love_to_eat >= all_dogs_love_you

    dont let him eat for awhile if he does it. he'll learn quick

    thats just my experience with dogs.
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    statik New Member

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    When you call him make sure your voice is strong, don't let him hear anything less. You have to be assertive and commanding. Some dogs will defy you if they are asked in a soft tone. You have to demand in a strong tone.

    When he does come inside after you call him reward him with a treat and praise him. Make sure he knows he is doing good and he will continue behavior that will be rewarding.

    If you have to go get him for some reason and he jerks you around or tries to snap at you. Throw his ass to the ground pin him with your knee and hold his head down on the ground and look him in the eyes while making a loud noise. The noise is to startle the dog. Tell him NO or whatever command his knows as wrong. Don't let him up until you break his will. Keep saying NO if he tries to get up, keep talking to him if you feel the need. They do understand! :)

    Don't be sympathetic at all until some time passes and he makes up with you. They will learn this way. I know it sounds a little cruel, but trust me it's not. The dog can develope serious behavior problems if you let him dominate or disobey people. It can be dangerous for other people and for the safety of the dog.

    Good luck! Be assertive and consistent with this! Emphasis and reward good behavior and make sure he is getting enough attention and play.
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    fineline cc fo life

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    you definately need to take some time to train him to come when you call.

    you can't just expect him to know.

    So set aside some time... have someone help you by holding him. Use treats and make sure you have his attention. Show him the treat.. and then walk away to the other side of the yard.

    With a strong but nice voice say "his name" and COME! or Come here.

    when he does come.. make sure to praise him and give him a small treat.

    This is something you'll have to have patience with and repeat it many many times before he will fully understand.

    Remember he's a puppy still, he fascinated with everything around him, so he is easily distracted and not very likely to care about when you are calling him.
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    e_andree E

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    Paolino SolidTuned

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    Thanks! I'll try that. He knows when I'm upset alright.

    Fineline, see that's the thing. He knows sit, come and stay. Before I give him a treat he sits and stays, and before I let him outside he sits stays, and even when I open the dopor, he waits for "go".

    He knows these things, he just wants to dominate I think.

    Good adive guys!
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    hellapinoy 2000 Celica GTS

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    this is what i did with mine...

    i walk away from him(with a leash) when ur far, call him... if he does not come drag him towards you... (even if you have to make him slide on the ground) then walk away from him again and do the same if he doesent come... if he does, praise him like no tomorrow... btw, i read this from a really hardcore training book... i potty trained my dog in just 1 weekend...
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    gotarheels03 New Member

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    If he wont come back in hold out some roast beef or somethng in your hand and yell " Here (insert dogs name) I have a treat for you! If he knows the word treat yet, he should come running.

    for my dog we got an electric fence after he decided to cross the street behind our house to visit another dog. He got hit by a Chevy Suburban and we're lucky hes still OK and with us.

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