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News Un-appreciative NO residents.....

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by e_andree, Dec 2, 2005.

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    e_andree E

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    Cuztomrollaz98 MAD VLAD!

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    Littleton, CO.
    ummm I have to register to view the article
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    e_andree E

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    A gift of generosity goes awry
    Ties are broken when a vacant home offered to a displaced Katrina family is left in disarray
    By Rona Marech and Mary Gail Hare
    sun reporters
    Originally published December 2, 2005
    The Brown family of Louisiana fled Hurricane Katrina with nothing. The DiMaggio family and its Westminster church, the Firm Foundation Worship Center, had a vacant home and the desire to help.

    But what seemed like a fortunate connection gradually dissolved into a flurry of accusations and bruised feelings.

    Sandra and Keith Brown, who drove to Carroll County after the hurricane with seven of their eight children, say their hosts were patronizing and disrespectful. The DiMaggios said the Browns left the house in disarray and didn't appreciate all the community had done for them. The DiMaggios were stunned, they said, when they found the words "MD sucks" spray-painted on the new white siding on the home's exterior.

    While cases of generosity gone awry are in the minority, disaster-relief experts say some misunderstanding and frustration are practically inevitable as people - even those with the best intentions - come to terms with what it means to help and be helped.

    A man from Nashville, Tenn., who had opened his vacant retirement home to a family of Katrina evacuees said the family left the property damaged and filled with trash, an experience that he said "left a bad taste in my mouth."

    In a Minnesota town, the story of two women who took in a family displaced by Katrina - highlighted on Good Morning America - ended unhappily, after tensions in the household led to the Louisiana family leaving.

    "There are times when people expect a grateful victim," said Ande Miller, the executive director of National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster, a Virginia association of faith-based institutions and other disaster relief agencies.

    "We don't always pay attention to the fact that they've had a terrible thing happen to them, and it's hard to be grateful when your home was just destroyed. You have to put in perspective what we're asking them to be grateful for."

    It's unclear exactly how and when the relationship between the DiMaggios and the Browns unraveled. But most of the Brown family left for Louisiana on Sunday without so much as a "thank you" to the congregation, church members said.

    When Firm Foundation Worship Center pastors and several members of the congregation visited the home shortly after the Sunday service, they found piles of donated clothing littering the porch. A trampoline lent to the children was slashed. A small hole around the electrical socket in the bathroom is now much larger. Trash, broken glass and clutter filled the house, said the DiMaggios, who have since cleaned up with help from volunteers.

    "We gave them a house to live in for free, so that they could work and save their money to get back on their feet," said Marge DiMaggio. "They had nothing when they came, and we were happy to help them. We passed on donations that came to us for them." Donations included a car, a refrigerator, washing machine and clothing for the family.

    Keith and Sandra Brown said two of their sons, who have found jobs and remained in Westminster, were planning to clean the house once the remaining family had moved out.

    Elijah Brown, 19, helped with the cleaning Monday. Josh Brown, 22, who admitted spray painting the words on the house, has promised to remove the graffiti. It's unclear whether the two brothers, who are living with other volunteers, are going to stay in town.

    "I am more grateful than anyone will ever know. People we hardly knew gave us so many things. I have thank-you cards ready. ... I really thought Maryland was beautiful, and I felt truly blessed," Sandra Brown said in a phone interview yesterday. But she said some church members continued to act like the house was their own and "treated my husband and me like children."

    Rosalind Blakey, who connected the two families through her grassroots organization, Home Resources Services, said church members would "come into their house and not knock and tell them it was time to get up and not to sleep so late. ... Treating them as if they were their project or their assignment."

    Paul Wilson, the executive director of Katrinahous ing.org, a Salt Lake City-based organization that helped connect thousands of donors with evacuees in need of housing, said he has received all-too-many after-the-fact e-mails from exasperated survivors and benefactors.

    "You're going to have conflicts like this arise when people open their homes," Wilson said. "It's not fun to see the ugly side of humanity. It hasn't soured me, but it's not easy to bear a lot of this."

    Carroll County's tempest has at least partially cooled, however. Most of the Browns, who didn't intend to stay in Maryland, are back home trying to rebuild. "You can try to make it as cozy as you can here for them, but their home was in Louisiana," Blakey said.

    The DiMaggios said they're moving on.

    "We are not discouraged, and this won't stop us from helping other people in need," said Marge DiMaggio.

    "If you help 100 people and three of them don't treat you right," her husband said, "it doesn't stop you from helping."
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    DaCubanSkillz Active Member

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    Arlington, VA/North Bergen, NJ
    I can understand why the family is upset (if its even true), but thats no reason to leave a home that was offered to you in the state it was in. If that was me, I would of just left, thanked them for what they did and be on my way. So what if the 2 kids came to help clean the place up, it shouldn't have been in that state to begin with.

    Now if what the family says is true about people walking in and not knocking and stuff, then I find that to be a bit rude. Regardless if its your house, apartment, garage, etc, you should still show some type of respect for others. There's a difference between trying to help someone get back on their feet, then to treat them with disrespect. Its okay to encourage people not to sleep in and look for a job, but not in a way that would upset anyone.
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    Cuztomrollaz98 MAD VLAD!

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    Littleton, CO.
    wow that comes to show the level of uneducation man, that's unbelieveable. thanks for the text E.
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    statik New Member

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    I can see the church people being overbearing. fo sho.
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    jtweezy New Member

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    Irving, TX
    dude over here on the news all you hear or see is pple from NO or hurricane victims from that area killing or stealing or causing trouble......everywhere schools stores houses....all ....I just dont understand how they can be unappreciative of the things they have gotten from people....
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    RollaBlue New Member

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    New Orleans, LA
    Because they are uneducated, have no manners, and just dont care.
    The New Orleans school system is the worst in the nation. Most of them probably have completed high school at the most. And even then they dont perform up to high school standard

    I'm glad people like that are not here anymore, but i feel sorry for the rest of the nation who has to put up with their bull$hit

    Oh and one more thing, dont beleive everything you hear or read in the news. Some may be true, partly true and some may not be true at all.

    I was watching the local news and they ran a story about these people in colorado that were supposedly hurricane victims. And they were saying that colorado sucks and that they were not gettign what they deserve and etc. Well turns out that they never lived in New Orleans and falseafied information. They were residents of colorado!! verified because they have criminal records from colorado!!! one was in jail at the time of the hurricane!!! (i must admit that they were very raggedy looking and did look like they belonged from new orleans)
    The house that they supposedly lived in in nw orleans that supposedly got demoloshed because they lived in the 9th ward, nope its still standing, and the address is no where near the 9th ward.
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    statik New Member

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    Someone should create a nation where you have to be educated to be a citizen.
    hm, that really doesn't make sense, that would be unfair to people that don't want to learn.

    I really wish there was a state with better laws and systems. If you don't like it LEAVE and live somewhere else where you can let you kids grow up uneducated. Baltimore City schools suck ass too...
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    RollaBlue New Member

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    New Orleans, LA
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    statik New Member

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    That is freakin' hilarious... LOL
    Dude looks like a cave man.
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    ob1murry New Member

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    Well duh. Lol. J/K. But I mean seriously when it gets bad enough to the point that pratt, lombard, etc. have mobile flood lights and video cameras attached to the street lights to prevent drug deals. When the city is about to be sued for "shaking people down" illegally, because they just stop people and search them. When you have a mayor that just can't seem to bring crime under control at all since he put Ed Norris six feet under, and now is mayor if the 11th unsafest city in the country according to this article, http://www.morganquitno.com/cit05pop.htm. Could you really expect anything more?
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    Paolino SolidTuned

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    RAF Molesworth, UK
    Wow that sucks all around. I can see how the family may have felt trampled on, but you need to not lose your temper like that. (Although this hypocrite may very well have done something also)

    I do not agree with the article that says we cannot expect someone to be grateful because of what they've been through. If you're not going to be grateful at all, I'm not going to help you at all. That simple. If I help you and disrepect me in my home, you're getting the boot.

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