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News Americans back abortion limits, oppose Ban

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by e_andree, Nov 28, 2005.

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    e_andree E

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    Americans back abortion limits, oppose Ban


    CNN) -- Roughly two-thirds of the people questioned in a recent poll on abortion supported parental and spousal notification but opposed a constitutional amendment to ban the practice altogether.

    The CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll conducted November 11-13 found that 69 percent of the 1,006 adults questioned were in favor of requiring minors to get parental consent to have an abortion, while 28 percent opposed that step.

    A New Hampshire law requiring parental notification comes before the Supreme Court this week as it hears the first major abortion cases in five years. (Full story)

    In the poll, 64 percent said that wives should inform their husbands before getting an abortion, but 34 percent were against such a rule.

    Despite the support for restrictions, 61 percent of those questioned were opposed to a constitutional amendment to ban abortion.

    Thirty-seven percent were in favor of an amendment to ban abortions, except when the life of the mother was at stake.

    More than three-fourths of the respondents believe that abortion should be legal in varying circumstances.

    Thirty-nine percent of the respondents said that abortion should only be legal in a few circumstances, 26 percent believe it should be legal in all circumstances, and 16 percent favor legal abortion in most circumstances.

    Another 16 percent said it should not be legal under any circumstances, the poll showed.

    The poll had a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.

    The debate over abortion rights has been in the spotlight recently, with the issue topping the Supreme Court's docket and confirmation hearings coming in January for President Bush's choice to fill Sandra Day O'Connor's seat on the high court.

    Bush in October picked federal appeals judge Samuel Alito to replace O'Connor after the withdrawal of his initial nominee, White House Counsel Harriet Miers.

    Abortion has already been the focus of public debate over the nomination, with abortion-rights activists opposed to Alito, and it is certain to become a key issue in the confirmation hearings.

    The choice to replace O'Connor could be pivotal. She has been a key swing vote in the past and has, for example, voted to strike down abortion laws that failed to contain health exceptions.

    Alito has told senators in private meetings that he has "great respect" for precedents, including the 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling. But he would not say whether he would continue to uphold that decision.

    This week, the court will also hear arguments on whether the federal government can use racketeering laws to go after the organizers of protests outside abortion clinics.

    O'Connor has said she will remain on the court until her successor is confirmed.
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    e_andree E

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    What, no responses to this? I would have bet for sure that a few of you specifically would be all over this.

    Bah, no one wants to have any fun
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    Barnacules 100101101011011

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    And I'm the one that picks fights :D haha.
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    e_andree E

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    What else should we put in the DEBATES AND RANTS forum????!?:confused: :D
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    Barnacules 100101101011011

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    OMG! You actually made a valid point, after all this time of BS'ing I finally agree with you. I appologize :) You are right, rant on.
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    e_andree E

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    I knew youd see the light
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    Barnacules 100101101011011

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    Oh, and what is your position on the article above so I can start disagreeing with you :)
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    e_andree E

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    Uhm....you first :)

    Roughly two-thirds of the people questioned in a recent poll on abortion supported parental and spousal notification but opposed a constitutional amendment to ban the practice altogether.

    The CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll conducted November 11-13 found that 69 percent of the 1,006 adults questioned were in favor of requiring minors to get parental consent to have an abortion, while 28 percent opposed that step.

    A New Hampshire law requiring parental notification comes before the Supreme Court this week as it hears the first major abortion cases in five years. (Full story)

    In the poll, 64 percent said that wives should inform their husbands before getting an abortion, but 34 percent were against such a rule.

    Despite the support for restrictions, 61 percent of those questioned were opposed to a constitutional amendment to ban abortion.

    Thirty-seven percent were in favor of an amendment to ban abortions, except when the life of the mother was at stake.

    More than three-fourths of the respondents believe that abortion should be legal in varying circumstances."

    Looks like I agree with the majority of Americans that participated in the poll. I dont agree with a full ban on abortion.....I agree that underagers should have to notify their parents....I agree that spouses their spouse should be notified.....I agree that under certain circumstances abortions should be allowed.
    I dont think the government should single out abortion protestors outside of abortion centers....they have their rights too
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    Barnacules 100101101011011

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    I think abortion should be banned, except in when cases where the mother to be was raped. I know two women that both had abortions and after they did it they fell into deep depression and felt as if they murdered there child. Not all women will react this way but I think they should have to give birth to the child and then they can put it up for adoption if they don't want it. And yes I know the adoption system isn't perfect either but c-mon :)
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    e_andree E

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    I dont agree with someone using it as a form of birth control, by abusing the option. I agree that in situation that a rape has occured, abortion should be allowed, and in cases where there is an extreme medical condition for the baby or the mother.
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    statik New Member

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    I think abortions should only be allowed if there has been a legal complaint filed for rape, or there is any question about the health and safety of the mother giving birth and backed up by a doctor.

    Owners and shareholders of abortion clinics are just in it for the profit and the only thing that will dictate their actions is a law or regulation. So without some law in place it creates a prime atmosphere for the growth of commercial euthanasia.

    I don't like saying this, but people should have to suffer for their actions or else they won't learn anything. Let the woman go through the pain of childbirth, let the man deal with the stress.

    Let's put it this way. I know drinking isn't good for me. When I suffer through a hangover I get the message.

    :) Some people keep drinking though.
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    Barnacules 100101101011011

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    Yeah I agree with both of you.
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    Barnacules 100101101011011

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    OMG! I choose not to respond on the grounds that you are a moderator :D hehehehe
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    Paolino SolidTuned

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    Yeah that was a little over the top, sorry... :/

    I don't agree with rape as an excuse to abort. I'll leave it at that.
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    statik New Member

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    Try to tell that to a woman who has been raped.
    Im sure some women wouldn't want to abort, but my point is that you can't convince some people logically when they are in an emotional state.

    Now that I think of it, I dont really agree that rape is any grounds for abortion.

    But it is a better reason than aborting because some people were being totally irresponsible.

    I don't think people value life enough to make any abortion laws fair. People are just lazy and want an easy way out regardless of what is right or wrong.
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    Paolino SolidTuned

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    You at least see my point though. Of course, I cannot even begin to image the violation that occurs, but the baby has no choice how it is conceived.

    Yes it is better than some others, but still not good enough in my opinion.

    Getting rid of the baby is not going to help them forget the that the rape happened. So might as well have it. At least let someone else raise it if you don't want to.
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    e_andree E

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    In cases of rape, I would allow an exception.
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    DaCubanSkillz Active Member

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    Ok...so lets give you a senario.

    A relative of yours...lets say your sister...Was raped by a drug addict while she was walking home. Come to find out a few weeks later, she is pregnant cause of it and she may have a disease cause the guy obviously didn't use protection. You would want your sister to have some unknown drug addicts baby? Especially knowing the baby may be born with a disease or birth defects cause of it? Yea, explain that to the child that their father is unknown and was a drug addict and that they and the mother have a disease of some sort cause of him. You might say that the kid doesn't have to know. But when that child gets older, how do you not know he/she will be asking who their father is.

    However, let me give you a senario as to where an abortion is dangerous, but then again so is a pregnancy...

    A few years ago I met a young girl who was about 16 yrs old through a friend of mine. After a night of chilling, my boy tells me that she has a kid. I didn't think anything of it until he told me the kid was 5yrs old!! He went on to tell me that she was raped when she was 11 by her step father. And she kept the baby. Of course having an abortion at the age of 11 is very dangerous. But the pregnancy could have been dangerous as well. At times like that its hard to say what to do.

    In all honesty, I rather hear of a girl having an abortionthen having to hear about "Hey, she had a baby and threw him in the dumpster...blah blah blah", only because she was raped.

    For example, a 17yr old girl from West New York, NJ (it was in the new up in NJ a few months back). She was consistantly being molested by her father since of the age of 15. A year ago she got pregnant and carried the baby full term. She gave birth to the baby in her bathroom and once the baby was born, she threw him down a garbage chute next to her bathroom window. Just a month or two ago, she gave birth to her 2nd child because she got pregnant again by her father and she gave birth to that baby in the bathroom once again. And again she threw the baby down the garbage chute.

    Here's the kicker though. After she threw the 2nd baby down the chute, the baby landed on some cigarette boxes and lived. It began to cry and thats when neighbors called the cops. No one could figure out where the crys were coming from. Finally, they found this one door in the basement that was blocked off. They broke through and found the baby. The baby received a hairline fracture on its skull. After they took the baby, the moved away the cigarette boxes and thats when they found baby #1!! The 17yr old mother and father were both arrested and charges of murder to child molestion are pending. And now child services does not want to give baby #2 to any of the girls family members because of the situation that happened.

    The scar from the rape my linger with the mother, but i'm sure no mother would want to raise a child knowing the father was some sick bastard who raped her. By having the child they are just making the scare more permanent, yes they had no choice how it was conceived, but how do you think it would be emotionally for the child when they get older? Maybe they'll understand but they'll always have that thought in the back of their head that "dag, I wasn't planned and was conceived against my mothers own will. I shouldn't even be here right now."

    You can't tell me every kid is going to react the same. I've seen one girl go through depression cause she found out she was a "mistake". It was bad enough her parents were divorced, but to find out she wasn't even planned it tore her up. Now imagine if rape were to be thrown in along with the "mistake".
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    Paolino SolidTuned

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    Its still an excuse.

    Crazy situations happen all the time, you're right, and those are sensative because disease my be a factor. But if the baby is healthy, why not have it and give it up for adoption?
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    DaCubanSkillz Active Member

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    Adoption is an option. BUT even that can scar a woman's emotions. People think its easy to give up kids for adoption. granted some people don't care and just do it, but other women will be scared for life. Think about it. "I was raped, I had the baby and gave it up for adoption." not only is she scared with the rape but now she has the adoption to feel guilty/upset about. Things just got worse for her.
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    e_andree E

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    How about the pscyhological effects of going through a 9 month pregnancy and then your entire life after a rape?
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    DaCubanSkillz Active Member

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    ok..so u put my whole paragraph into one sentence..thanks...lmao.
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    e_andree E

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    Hehe...guess I wrote out my reply before you did, but you hit enter before I did. I got distracted before sending. Hehe.
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    Paolino SolidTuned

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    Yeah, good point.

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