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So. Cali. people need advice

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by w1ngzer0, Aug 31, 2004.

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    w1ngzer0 Guest

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    So. Cali. people need advice

    I applied for 2 jobs in southern california area and one in phx. The irvine job im hoping to get but i meen.... whats a safe area to get apartments and whats a descent amount of pay for s. cali?

    25k+ for minium descent living and fun money? or what?
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    nikeair11 Guest

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    Irvine is an incredibly safe place to get an apartment, but you aren't going to able to live extravagantly if your salary is 25K. On that kind of money I'd think Santa Ana/Tustin/Westminster. Not nearly as safe as Irvine, but Irvine is expensive. My sister lives in a 2 BD/2BA that rents for $1700/mo.
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    Killercocopuff New Member

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    i woulld also try brea/,fullerton,and placentia. o yea and orange
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    pkpss Guest

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    Not so true... Been living here for 5 years now, 1st was dorming. As he said... it is incredibly safe, it is a retirement city pretty much. But there are places that rent out for 1,000+ a month for a one bedroom. Look into the IAC apartments.
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    Drummer426 Guest

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    I'm actually a leasing consultant for a property management company. We have 1 property in irvine off of Jefferey in the "Woodbridge Association". One of the few places in Irvine not owned by IAC. 25k yearly is going to be cutting it close there. Irvine is decent but it still has it's issue's like most cities.

    What type of job are you looking for? Leasing Consultants make decent money. Depending on which irvine property you go to will depend on your pay. I worked part time for my company and made 25k. AVG. LC for my company makes over 30. Plus you get a discount on your apartment. If you go into assistant manager or manager you get a comp'd apartment. I know IAC is always hiring and actually our irvine property is hiring as well. My position is i go to all the So cal properties we have and help them out. So i go from Cerritos to Dana Point and we even have one in La Jolla.

    Did i see you are also looking in phoenix? You can make more money and pay less there but the heat is a bitch. If you got questions on jobs or apartments in Irvine or surrounding areas just PM, IM, or email me. I know companies that search for apartments for free. You just tell them what you are looking for, how much, etc. and they do all the searching for you. Good luck!! :D
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    OC Rolla Guest

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    Irvine is definitely nice, I lived in an apartment there (Oak Glen) for 4 months and I've been in a house there since last November. However, like everyone has mentioned it is expensive and I'm making the move back up to Northern OC where I grew up. (Fullerton area)

    Irvine kinda spoils you in that the apartments are really nice but after a while paying for them kinda sucks. I definitely am going to enjoy saving an extra $300+/month when I move.

    Good cities to check are Fullerton, Brea, Placentia, Tustin (not tustin ranch, that's expensive), Orange and Anaheim. If you are going the apartment route, Rose Pointe (Fullerton) and Oak Tree Court (Placentia) are great deals for what they offer.

    If you are interested in renting a house or an apt you can save money and get a better location than you would alone. roommates.com and craigslist are good places to find open rooms in houses/condos or listings for houses/condos that you can go in on with a friend or something.

    I would be more than happy to help you or give you more info about living, I've been all over. haha. Sounds like Drummer can hook you up with some info as well.
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    w1ngzer0 Guest

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    well im applying for a customer service rep for ingame support. In other words the games like EQ and Dark age of camalot the GM. I applied for a GM job. Also i applied for a IT admin job i filled almost every requirement.

    I really don't want to get anymore stupid jobs. I want a job in the computer or video game industry only.

    stupid jobs = gas station, making less then livable and no fun money.
    My plan is if i get that GM job and if i make enough i can go to school becuase i will be playing video games all day :p

    If i can go to school i can get into becoming a game programmer. Since my foot is already in the door it would be cool
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    Drummer426 Guest

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    The video game industry is rough out here at the moment especially in irvine!! I have one of the guys in irvine who comes in a lot and talks with us and he lost his job with a video game company. I guess he's programmed a lot of them...he named off a bunch but i haven't played comp games since Mechwarrior 2 came out! He's a kick ass guy and really good too i guess but it's hard comp out here. He has to go back to school again to get updated on a bunch of stuff. Not trying to kill any dreams or anything like that i just want you to becareful and not get stuck out here. With an IT background you should be cool. Companies always need IT's. Just gotta look in the right places. tons of websites as you know...monter.com, availablejobs.com, etc. Make sure you get that offer letter from them before you head out!
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    Dimsum New Member

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    I'm actually attending UCI right now and will be living in the newest Campus Apartments (Vista Del Campo WOOHOO BABY!) But i'd try going to Costa Mesa too. My sister and bro in law live there and i guess its not that bad.

    Irvine's a great place to and there isnt a single homeless person around (Sometimes i wonder why, last time they told me they ship them all to Santa Ana :? ). Only thing i think is wrong is that I heard the police in Irvine are asses. I havent gotten pulled over yet but my friend already got like 2-3 tickets for his civic. Little fix it tickets and stuff... As far as IT, there are alot of students that are in the Information Computer Systems Major and alot of my friends tell me they're having a hard time finding a job. So i wish you luck on that and hope you get the job you want. 25k is alittle bit for these guys who roll around in 7 series, benzs and all... My guess for a place to live, Costa Mesa, Fountain Valley, Westminster, and i think there are a few apartments in Newport which arent that bad i heard... Ya, as you can see im Asian... Hah.
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    Drummer426 Guest

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    Ya IPD is like FVPD...they hide a lot of crap to keep up their "Great city" feel. Which is great for those that don't see whats going on. Since i work in the leasing office and work with people from IAC we get a lot of great stories but this stuff never hits the news like it does in other cities. Things are hushed up so quickly in these cities it's scary. Wherever you go just make sure to alway checks your surroundings. Thecrapiest stuff can still happen in the best neighborhoods...hell remember nicole brown simpson...thats a nice area!

    Everything just depends on your budget. If you want to save some money either get a good amount of roommates or live out side irvine and commute. You can get into some great areas close by without paying the prices. In OC remember that 9 times out of 10 you will get your rent increased! I know because i'm the dick that sends you those letters with your rent increase :D I don't want to but i have to.

    I got people that come into our offices all the time out of state and when they hear how much rent we ask they fall to the floor. And floorplans are a lot smaller here then they are in most other states. We call it "Sticker shock." They say thats absurd and that no one pays these prices...2 days later after shopping around they realize everyone asks for these prices and we usually have some good ones compared to IAC (ya self-promotion sorry)

    like i said earlier you got a lot of people willing to give you some advice. We live here so we know how overated it is :p
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    w1ngzer0 Guest

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    well if i get any of these jobs i will be moving over tehre and would be great to have a roomy..... :shock: stranger as a roomate... scary but only way for my looser ass
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    Dimsum New Member

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    You're evil man... but ya, the apartments around here are small and expensive!! I got lucky and applied for Vista Del Campo before everyone else got to it. I'm only paying $585 a month with Utilities paid for, Fastest internet connection on a Campus in the Nation (Thats what VDC says...), free cable TV, 4 bed 2 bath (Each bedroom is a single), fully furnished and a great view of Irvine :D .

    you need to take one "o" off or put one on man... cause it doesnt sound right with "looser a**" on there =P :lol:
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    pkpss Guest

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    rolla_dink Guest

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    good luck fiinding something decent. you will definitely want a roommate on 25K/yr if you want to live rather contently. Make sure to factor in utilities, car, insurance, gas, food. you may also want to look at the dept. of labor to find the going rate on jobs. there are obscure jobs that pay well. I was talking to the guy who worked at Dave and Buster's in Orange, who said with OT and at $16-18 per hour, he was almost bringing in 50K. Irvine is too pricey unless you have roommates, and the cops ar d$$ks. I saw them ticketing a you girl for riding her bike on the sidewalk. I've lived in Buena Park, Garden Grove, and now Orange. Of the three, orange so far is the safest.

    Some of the cheapest places don't advertise, so driving around may be in your best interest.
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    pkpss Guest

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    I've had no problems with Irvine cops. I roll right next to them with my windows all the way up and dark as fuck and they don't give a shit.

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